A Tale of Two Mothers - How it Began

Sara and Marie never had any doubts about wanting children. But by the time they decided to do something about it, time was already against them. First, they considered reciprocal IVF – one of the aspiring mothers would donate the egg, and the other would carry the child. However, they decided against it as they wanted to limit medical intervention. Furthermore, they both wanted to experience pregnancy. Finally, they decided they would each carry a child of their own, fathered by the same donor. As it was Sara’s idea, she would carry the first child.

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    Finding a Donor

    Since it wouldn’t be a secret they had received donor assistance, Sara and Marie agreed to select an ID Release donor. That way, their child would have the option to contact the donor as a grown-up. Another appealing advantage of an ID Release donor is that some provide adult photos. This allowed the aspiring mothers to select a donor with a physical likeness they preferred. The couple created user profiles with a number of sperm banks, and over several weeks, they carefully went through all of the available donor profiles that included adult photos. Without telling one another the donors they preferred, it was time to compare favourites. It turned out they had both shortlisted the same two donors from two different sperm banks. Although it was a tough decision between the two as far as physical appearance was concerned, eventually, they chose donor Sahr because Donor-Network only accepts candidates with an average IQ or higher. 

    Finding the right clinic

    As Sara and Marie didn’t like the idea of being treated like patients, they chose insemination by a midwife over treatment at a big fertility clinic. They contacted Storkereden, a Donor-Network partner clinic in Slagelse, as they’d heard positive things about them from others within the LGBT community. After scheduling a consultation, they met Louise – a midwife and head-of-clinic at Storkereden. After a preliminary conversation, they felt they could trust her to guide them through their life-changing experience.  

    Read more about finding the clinic that’s right for you.

    “Mom, Dad – I'm pregnant. We're going to be parents; that means you're going to be grandparents! We're so excited for this new chapter and can't wait to share it with you.”

    -Sara to her parents via text message including ultrasound pictures

    Sharing the news

    After two unsuccessful attempts with insemination, Sara and Marie approached the third attempt with a mix of hope and apprehension. Several weeks later, they were relieved and delighted when a little ‘plus’ sign popped up in their pregnancy test. The soon-to-be mothers were elated. 

    They decided to wait until after the first ultrasound scan before sharing the news with friends and family. On the day of their appointment, although they were understandably nervous, they were more excited than anything. Their feelings turned to pure joy when they saw their baby flicker on-screen for the first time. The precious image solidified the fact that their dreams of parenthood were finally becoming a reality.

    Start exploring our exceptional donor selection today to discover the perfect match for your family's future