The donor is relatively well-reflected about the decision to donate. He started to reflect on donating after seeing a billboard ad, and he has consulted close relationships regarding the decision. He wants to help others become parents while also earning a bit of money himself while doing so. The donor wants to become a parent himself one day and feels some degree of responsibility in donating since he has good sperm quality. The donor has good cognitive resources and is expected to be a quick learner, who is good at analyzing and identifying complex problems.
Regarding his personality, the donor has a predominantly calm and collected outward appearance to others. He is good at handling stressful situations and is confident in his own skin. He doesn’t worry about embarrassing himself in front of others, but at the same time, he doesn’t monitor and accommodate his behavior according to a given context in the same way others might do. The donor can be concerned from time to time, and he will sometimes spend more time considering potential scenarios, dangers, and consequences of certain actions or situations than most would. He can become stressed like most people, but he will rarely succumb to pressure, and he has good control of his impulses. He is rarely pessimistic nor optimistic but prefers to keep a realistic outlook on life. He is rarely seen bursting with joy or sadness. The donor can, in this sense, be seen as careful to show too much emotion, and he prefers having a reflected, well-reasoned, and calculated approach to the world more than most others.
Other people will most likely see the donor as a bit reserved and cool the first time they meet him. First impressions of the donor might be accompanied with words like “arrogant, analyzing, distant, or stoic”. When it comes to his close relations, however, he is much more open and accommodating. The donor is at heart someone who enjoys pleasing others, and he has a deep care for the people that are closest to him. The donor likes being active in terms of sports or board games, and he wants to be social with his close friends, but he might have a harder time than others making new friends and being social in large gatherings. He likes excitement and team sports, and in the areas where he feels comfortable or knowledgeable, the donor likes taking charge as well. He will not be seen by others as overly dominant, as he only contributes to areas and discussions where he feels competent.
The donor is fairly open-minded and curious about the world, especially in an aesthetic sense. He enjoys nature and beautiful scenery. The donor is interested in the beauty of things, sometimes more so than their functionality. He has some focus on keeping some variation in his life but can be traditional and principled in other areas. The donor is interested in exploring politics and different viewpoints. With his family he has a tendency to withhold some personal opinions in order to avoid arguments or potentially hurt relations. With friends he is much more likely to confront others and speak his mind. The donor appreciates the value of being able to communicate strategically to attain personal goals. He will usually be honest and straightforward, but there are times when he tailors his communication in a tactical way. The donor isn’t usually interested in boasting or making his achievements visible to others unless it has great personal importance. He is helpful, trusting and sympathetic in general, but depending on the context he can set these attributes aside when it is more useful to be a bit more cynical, skeptical or self-centered. In the donor’s own words, he emphasizes being curious, reflective, empathetic, loyal, calm, patient and dutiful.
The donor has a fair sense of his own competence, but he recognizes areas where he doesn’t have anything meaningful to contribute to. He is not likely to make decisions based on impulse and will much more often think situations through and collect data before acting. Though his reflections are more structured, nuanced, and detailed than many others, he is not described as orderly or disciplined. The donor is flexible about his schedule and keeping things organized. Others might see him as a bit messy, but he keeps a calendar due to his dutiful nature. Once he agrees to something or makes appointments, the donor is very conscious of keeping those agreements. He might sometimes commit himself to too many things without realizing it in the moment. The donor has a fairly laidback attitude about his performance, though, and only gives his full effort in circumstances that have significant personal stakes. As such, the donor might be regarded as someone who doesn’t realize his full potential. Even though he achieves the goals he sets for himself usually, others would say that those goals could be more ambitious and far-reaching.
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