The donor first thought about donating two years ago, when he had his sperm tested. He realized he could be a donor and thought it was interesting but didn’t commit until recently, when the thought appeared again after watching an ad. He sees it as a privilege to be able to have children himself, when others don’t have the same luxury. So that created a wish to help others achieve that dream. He has support from his close relations in this regard.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed within the average for his age group on the screening test, but close to being above. The donor can be expected to learn on par with the average person, some things quicker than others. He can analyze complexity fairly well.
In terms of personality, the donor is very defined by his social and gregarious attitude. He is warm, accommodating and approachable to new relations, where he has an easy time making new friends. The donor prefers being social and spending time with others, both larger and smaller groups of people. He has a tendency to having his opinion heard and he actively seeks influence in many social groups. He can be a dominating personality in some areas. The donor is largely optimistic and easygoing when seeing others, and he will likely be well liked by most other people. Some might find him a bit abrasive and as someone with a tendency to talk a lot and often, but the donor is also good at reading social cues, which will help him attune his attitude towards people so as to make them less opposed to his demeanor. The donor can be impulsive and act on instinct rather than careful deliberation. He finds it hard to stop eating from a bag of chips once he’s opened it, for example. He is likely to want to satisfy immediate desires and wants rather than controlling these impulses. The donor is good at keeping a level head and not reacting severely or with emotional reactions, most of the time. He is rarely pessimistic or worried, and others will see him as someone with a very good patience and controlled temper. It might be prudent for him to sometimes show more emotion and passion than he initially feels the need for. He can worry like most other people, but mainly on important or personal matters, or both.
The donor has a creative and explorative side to him. He finds it easy to let his imagination run wild, to daydream and to imagine scenarios and view the world from many different angles. He has a strong aesthetic sense and wants things to look good. His interest in cultural activities depend very much on his personal interests. He enjoys variation and needs intellectual stimulation often so as to not feel bored or restless. The donor has a keen sense of his own emotions and those of others, and on the inside, he sometimes feels things more intensely than others do. He is expected to be good at reading and identifying emotional states in himself and others. He really enjoys exploring the world and different worldviews, which also makes his own attitudes and values mutable. He is not a principled person at heart, but rather susceptible to being critical, always challenging opinions and conviction, even with himself. He has a very nuanced worldview, but sometimes also in an impractical way, where it might be hard for others to make him take a stance on issues. He has an opinion on many things, but can quickly play devil’s advocate, and others might sometimes tire of his willingness to discuss and argue for the argument’s sake.
The donor is largely trusting of others and gives many people several chances before deciding not to deal with them anymore, and by that point it’s a decisive action and quite stern, probably because it takes much for him to cut people loose in his life. He can be viewed as a bit naïve to others. The donor believes in the good intentions of others and that other people want what’s best for him. He is very helpful and self-sacrificing, sometimes at the cost of his own wants and needs, where he can be taken advantage of by others. The donor is usually honest and amicable, but he also knows the value of communicating strategically to get what he wants. He can be a bit manipulative in a constructive way, and he knows how to be political. The donor can use this at work, for example, to both achieve his goals and encourage others to do well. He enjoys the informal environment he works in as an IT-developer. The donor is largely sympathetic and doesn’t want to burden others or confront them unless absolutely necessary. At the same time, he enjoys it when he is recognized for his efforts, and he might seek attention and credit for his achievements and being noticed. The donor has a fair sense of his own competency and admits there are things he cannot do, rather than being overconfident. He is largely orderly and structured, but not to a rigid degree. He is very interest-driven in what he commits himself to and shows real ambition in. He is not a perfectionist or someone who can drive himself to doing exceptionally well unless it’s an endeavor that speaks to him passionately. The donor is driven by his personal interests in his career life, and outside motivation doesn’t work well on him.
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