The donor is well reflected about the decision to donate. He has thought about it for many years, and he also donates blood as well as blood plasma. He has taken part in research projects and has donated his pet dog for animal research after it was put down. The donor has thought about donating since he was 20 years old, and he believes in helping where he can. He is hoping to have kids of his own at some point and wants to help others have the same opportunity. The donor has cognitive abilities to logically reason on par with the average person. He can be expected to be decent at analyzing complex problems.
The donor sees himself as a busy person and as someone who has a tough time concentrating on tasks, he is not passionate about. However, when he finds something he is passionate about, he can focus on it for hours on end. He considers himself a bit cheap, financially speaking, and a bit selfish compared to other people. When he wants to help, he is outgoing and makes himself available to others. One example is taking care of a colleague's dog for the weekend without asking for payment of any kind. He really enjoys spending time by himself, but he's also sociable and enjoys spending time with others when he has the energy for it. He doesn't have any trouble meeting new people or having conversations with people he doesn't know. He's healthy and has a disciplined lifestyle.
According to the test results, the donor is emotionally stable and rarely worries about anything. This also means that he doesn't foresee potential consequences or problems about the situations he finds himself in, compared to others. He does, however, spend a great deal of time reflecting on situations that didn't go according to plan so that he can adjust his behavior in the future. He's good at handling stressful situations and has reasonable control of his impulses and his own temper. He's comfortable with his own personality and doesn't see a great need to change his personality to fit others. In this way, he can be regarded as calm, balanced and collected but not necessarily receptive to personal feedback in the same way that others are. He regards himself as grounded and sees the world as it really is, rather than having an overly negative or an overly positive viewpoint.
Socially, the test indicates a person who is selective about when he's being socially outgoing and gregarious, and when he's being more reserved and wants to be by himself. According to the donor, he has no problem with interacting with new people or being in large social gatherings, but he also needs time to recuperate by himself or spend time not interacting with anyone. He enjoys reading a lot and he can enjoy spending entire weekends without interacting with anyone even if other people have called him on the phone. In such cases, he might just let it go to voicemail without answering. The donor is only socially dominant if he has a personal interest in the situation at hand and he can easily find himself not taking charge and not taking control of social gatherings or seeking the spotlight. He enjoys excitement and seeks it out regularly. Either through risky investment strategies or other adrenaline-inducing activities. The test also supports the view of the donor being a realist as he has a naturally skeptical approach to the world and is not optimistic without cause.
The donor is also described as a logical, practical and rational person. He rarely pays attention to his own emotions or is curious about the emotions of others. He's not particularly creative or imaginative, but more concerned with the world around him. He's not aesthetically concerned and would rather go to historical museums or museums of natural history instead of art museums. The donor enjoys routine instead of variation and has a set number of interests that he engages in, rather than having to change his setting every other week or having varied job tasks. He has some principles on which he stands, and other areas of his life where he is open and tolerant towards others' viewpoints. He enjoys intellectual discussions and debates, and likes seeing problems from many different viewpoints, but is also careful not to get enveloped in completely abstract thought. At the end of the day, he wants practical knowledge and practical solutions.
The donor is largely not an agreeable person. While he is trusting of others and likes to give second chances and believes that people want the best for him when engaging with them, he's also largely strategic in his communication with others and is very intent on serving his own agenda rather than that of others. He's usually interested in spinning conversations in a way that serves his own needs. Sometimes he might even bend the rules by lying a little bit to achieve what he needs. As an example, he's a good negotiator, playing banks out against each other while trying to secure a loan for an apartment. He's not modest and enjoys recognition for his accomplishments. He tends to implicitly brag and enjoys sharing stories about how he overcomes difficult or demanding life situations. He is helpful where he can be and knows how to pick his battles. He can to some extent maintain good relations with other people but is not afraid to stand up for his own principles and criticize decisions or authorities when he feels there is a personal interest at stake. The donor is not sympathetic and might be viewed by others as a bit cold and callous when it comes to the plight of people less fortunate than himself. At the same time, this lack of sympathy makes him good at making decisions that have negative consequences for others where some people might be more hesitant. In terms of work ethic, the donor accepts plenty of responsibility and he is ambitious within the projects that he takes on. He has a certain degree of self-discipline, but it is not every personal goal that he achieves. He's largely analytical rather than intuitive in his decision-making but can use intuition when the situation calls for it. He's not a very structured person and can thrive within unpredictable environments where others might need a lot of structure. But at the same time, he doesn't necessarily have a complete overview of what he needs to do or how to keep his own house in order. To mitigate this, the donor has a specific focus on keeping his calendar updated and filled with anything that might surprise him if he didn't have it in his calendar. Overall, he sees himself as a competent person, but he also accepts his own limits and knows when to back down from a task that he doesn't have the competencies for. At the same time, he looks to challenge himself by taking on tasks just outside of his comfort zone for himself to grow. He's very industrious and has taken multiple college degrees while having a full-time job, indicating a person who has a higher level of activity in that area than most other people do. He might sometimes have a challenging time maintaining relationships and has lost relationships over conflicts, but he stands on his principles and is good at serving his own needs. He's affluent for his age and has a well-paying job. Where other people might have been focusing on partying and having a good time outside school, the donor focused primarily on furthering his own education and his own finances.
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