The donor is well-reflected about the implications of being a donor. He has chosen to become one to help others because it has become a much easier process these days.
The donor has good intellectual resources and is expected to be a quick learner, who is good at analyzing and identifying complex problems.
Regarding his personality, the donor is generally calm and collected. He does not worry for no reason and is mostly well-balanced and level-headed. He has a temper that is usually under control, but regarding activities and topics he is passionate about, he can show some degree of emotions. Football, for example, is part of the donor’s career, and he is passionate about performing, which can lead to great frustrations if things do not go his way, even though others might not see these frustrations explicitly.
The donor is not particularly concerned about how others view him and is comfortable with his own personality. To others, he might come across as unapologetic, and he is not concerned with attempting to please others. The donor might not respond much to feedback from others, when it comes to critiquing his demeanor or behavior unless he has a severely adverse effect on others. He usually does not notice how he comes across in the eyes of others, which is helpful for staying calm and confident in appearance, but he might sometimes be less strategic in his interactions with others. The donor rarely worries but can be affected by concerns about the future, his career, and the expectations of others.
Socially, the donor enjoys spending time with others, mostly family and close relations, but also needs some space from time to time. When meeting others for the first time, he might seem distant and reserved. It takes some time before he opens up towards others but has remarkably close and rich relationships with the people that have known him the longest. The donor is not overly fond of large gatherings but can take part in them if it is required. He can be social and engage meaningfully with others but considers it more of a role to fulfill than something enjoyable. When taking part in social activities and groups, the donor prefers having a say in decisions and can be a dominating presence. He likes taking charge, wants influence, and has no problem addressing groups or crowds. He enjoys spending time pursuing exciting activities, whether it be sports or any other activity that gets the blood flowing or the adrenaline running. He can sit back and relax as well, but there is a definitive drive towards excitement. At the same time, the donor is balanced, serious, and sober when engaging the world around him. He is an effective worker and usually very controlled, focused on the reality in front of him, instead of the possibilities or the future ahead.
The donor is pragmatic, practical, logical, and rational. He prefers concrete thinking and is usually emotionally flat. Others might see him as a person not curious about his own or others' feelings. He prefers routines to follow in his life and is not bored by repetitive schedules or activities. The donor has some imagination and can be creative, but he is not prone to daydreaming or getting caught up in his imaginations. Usually he needs a specific, concrete goal before his creativity is sparked. The donor is a good and logical problem-solver and will view most of the world through these lenses. Others might view him as a bit too logical, and he is not well-versed in noticing the emotional signals of others. The donor has some reflections regarding this, and he knows that reading others can be difficult sometimes. He is principled, steadfast, and is not concerned with grand abstractions or philosophical discussions. He has clear values and prefers to hold on to these, rather than curiously explore the values of others.
The donor is generally trusting of others and tends to believe that peoples’ intentions are good. At the same time, he has a healthy sense of skepticism. If others break his trust, it can be quite hard to rebuild. He is usually direct, critical, and good at voicing his opinion. The donor can be strategic in how he presents his views and will attempt to further his own goals as much as possible. He looks out for himself and his own winnings. He can be political and smart about positioning himself, but others might see him as quite competitive and a little bit self-absorbed. He is good at promoting himself and his accomplishments. The donor appreciates recognition and praise, which also makes him seek it out. He is adept at advancing his own career and will prioritize his own goals over that of others. The donor is helpful and caring towards his close relations and family, but he sometimes finds it hard to balance and tend to many relationships, where others might find that obligation more natural. He can be sympathetic when the situation requires it, but he is good at keeping himself from being involved in others’ problems. When in charge, he can be expected to be good at making hard and unpopular decisions but might also be viewed by others as a bit callous.
In terms of his work ethic, the donor is concerned with performing as well as possible, and he tends to set ambitious standards for himself and others. He can be quite self-critical and has a lower acceptance of failure than the average person. He is detail-oriented and takes pride in a job well done. He is usually good at achieving personal goals, but he might have a challenging time staying disciplined when there is no clear appreciation or recognition from others. He is not structured in general, and to others, he can seem disorganized and a bit messy. The donor is not concerned with keeping complete order in his life, but he knows his priorities and can be flexible compared to more perfectionistic people. He has a general sense of self-confidence but can also admit that there are areas in which he has little or no competence. He views his own school grades as an example, where he might struggle in some areas and excel in other areas.
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