The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others conceive. He also does it to help society at large, as he has noticed the dwindling birth rates through the news. He has talked to family and friends about it, and one of his good friends is a donor-child, which has inspired him to apply.
The intelligence screening indicates a person who has an intellect above the average person. He can be expected to analyze high complexity exceptionally well and learn new concepts very quickly.
In terms of personality, others will likely see the donor as being very tolerant, artistic and open-minded. The donor has a high appreciation for culture and the arts, and he enjoys intellectual conversations, philosophical dialogue and analyzing problems and dilemmas from many angles in an attempt to perceive all aspects of a given topic. The donor works in the movie business in between his part time jobs, and he has been working with scripts and the like. This form of artistry is probably one of his biggest passions. He is likely to have an opinion on, or insight into, a lot of different topics, but to others, he will not seem like a dominant or intrusive type necessarily. He will readily call out faulty logic or opinions that he thinks are not sound, but he will likely stay curious and want to know as much as possible about others. In the eyes of his peers, he might be seen as someone who changes his mind a lot and as someone who is good at understanding the perspectives of others, which can also make it hard to suss out his actual opinions. The donor is likely good at criticizing or standing up to authority, and he can be prone to being confrontational and critical without worrying about losing friendships or good relations. He believes in being direct and not hiding his opinions, which can make some people detract from him, but he feels it’s better than having some sort of illusory amicable relationship. The donor can worry like most people, he can be stressed out, temperamental and impulsive, but not more so than the average person. The donor’s behavior in these categories is likely more determined by context and circumstance. For example, he might be more easily frustrated, flustered and anxious when it comes to situations, he has a personal stake in, and he might be more self-conscious and self-monitoring when in new and unexplored settings, especially social ones. He has learned to control his temper, but it can burst out at times. Others might see him as a bit reserved and cold at first, and it takes hard work to gain his trust. That same trust can easily be broken, never to return. The donor does enjoy company and is fairly gregarious, but likely mostly with a close-knit group of friends rather than large social gatherings. He wants to spend time with others, but with variation and not doing the same thing over and over. The donor doesn’t enjoy a life of constant activity and will likely slow down to focus on one thing at a time, and he will need a break or time alone to recharge. The donor is not particularly dominant, but in some cases, he might seek influence in an implicit way, without reaching for the spotlight.
The donor might be more invested and controlling areas that matter personally to him.
The donor is a realist, rather than being outwardly and warmly optimistic about life. He is not pessimistic more so than the average person can be from time to time, but he is rarely someone who celebrates early or has hopeful expectations. He is good at imagining scenarios and has a rich mind for fantasy, which can also make him wary of different potential outcomes of a given situation.
He is quite curious about the emotions of others, just as he can have a rich inner emotional life himself. This likely makes him good at perceiving moods and dynamics between people. He can be good at reading a room. At the same time, the donor can linger in the same emotions for longer than others, and he can be carried away by them as well.
The donor is skeptical of the intentions of others, and he is likely to be more strategic and political in his communications than most. The donor doesn’t expect others to help him with his goals, and in the same way, he doesn’t expect to help others with theirs. This might make him seem self-centered and closed off, but it also makes him strongly independent and good at achieving his goals without being hampered by the needs of others. He is likely good at self-promotion when necessary, and he will not be perceived as naive by others. The donor has some sympathy for the plight of others and the less fortunate, but he can still make harsh decisions and be cynical when the situation calls for it.
The donor has a certain sense of his own competency, but in other areas he is more doubtful of his abilities. The donor might enjoy structure and planning in some aspects of his life, but in others he is likely less focused on rigid structure and is more flexible, but also chaotic. The donor has a foundational sense of duty and he does feel responsible in some areas of life, both morally and professionally, but this is likely mostly expressed in areas where he has a personal interest. The donor is very particular with where he lays his efforts and what goals he sets for himself, which can also make him seem unambitious and like he doesn’t actualize his full potential in that he doesn’t do his best in every aspect of life. Sometimes he can set a personal goal and fail, other times he might succeed. It will depend on his mood and motivation mostly, which can make it hard for him to motivate himself for tasks he isn’t interested in at heart.
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