The donor has chosen to donate because he wants to be helpful to society and do his part. He has not been able to donate blood, so he figured maybe there was something else he could help with. He views the decision as very much his own, but he has discussed the decision with his partner who supports him.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed on par with the average population for his age group. He can be expected to learn new things at the same pace as most others, and he is likely adequate at analyzing complexity and solving problems.
In terms of personality, the donor is expected to be very welcoming, gregarious and socially minded. He will probably prefer the company of others, though it is not a problem for him to be alone. The donor is largely joyous, optimistic and positive in his outlook on life, and others will be hard pressed to find him in a negative mood. He is good at taking charge and seeking influence in social settings. While the donor can be good at making himself be heard and take up space socially, he also views himself as someone who listens and reads the room to figure out how he should approach a situation. If people are happy, he’s happy. If they’re not happy, he will try to lift the mood. The donor is very easygoing and easy to talk to. The donor does have a tendency to be active and out and about in his life, but there might also be periods of time where he needs to take things slow, not be too stimulated and focus on one activity at a time. Though he might seem welcoming and accommodating at first, the donor is likely not someone who trusts everyone fully when he first meets them. He views himself as somewhat naïve, or at least more so than others, but if his trust is betrayed it might be hard to regain again. He will not confront people about a breach of trust but rather just not speak to them again. The donor is also very honest and forthcoming about his intentions with few tactical or strategic considerations left in the dark. He is expected to be very helpful and self-sacrificing at the same time if people ask him for it. The donor doesn’t seem to enjoy confrontations or criticizing others, which will make him an easy colleague to work with and a good friend to be around, but he might also skirt around some hard topics or conflicts that end up weighing on his mind instead of just taking them head on. The donor is largely not sympathetic and is prone to thinking individualistically, which will make him tend to think that the plights of others are their own fault and they need to handle that themselves. He is not concerned with taking on the problems of others on a societal level in general, but other than that he is quite altruistic. He can be a bit cold and calculated sometimes, but it also helps him to make hard decisions without thinking too much about what consequences it might have for others, which can be helpful sometimes. He is expected to only boast about achievements when he’s extremely proud of what he’s done, and he’ll likely be viewed as neither too modest or too self-promoting. Others will likely also see him as very calm, composed and not worried in most circumstances. He is likely very good at keeping a level head and handling stressful periods in his life. The donor doesn’t have large fluctuations in mood or emotional state, and his general state is one of cheerfulness and happiness. The donor doesn’t have much of a temper, and he is very good at controlling himself. He is comfortable with his own persona and doesn’t see a benefit to altering himself in many ways, at least not just to suit the needs of others. He can be expected to have the capacity for creative thinking and an artistic or aesthetic side, but he also has the capacity to be very concrete and pragmatic. He enjoys cooking and works as a butcher, where his preferences at work and in the kitchen are orderliness, cleanliness and an aesthetically pleasing setup. He is generally interested in the emotions of others and his own inner workings. He is principled on some matters and is quite tribal about his favorite football team, for example, but in other areas of life he knows his values aren’t necessarily the only right answers out there. The donor can enjoy some abstract conversations but is not one to philosophize too much. He enjoys variation like many other people do. The donor can spend a day without doing too much, but it quickly becomes monotonous and dull for him, and by the second day he will need some kind of activation. The donor enjoys the routine of his job, but he also needs to be doing something different there from time to time. Every now and then, he might be inspired to change the look and design of a room at home, but he also likes the comfort of the well-known and predictable.
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