The donor has chosen to donate because he saw an ad and thought it was a good opportunity to do something new with the time he has on his hands. He has two kids himself and is divorced. The donor wants others to have the same opportunities in terms of having kids as he’s had. He knows that some people cannot have children or don’t want children through a relationship, and this is a way for him to help.
On the intelligence test, the donor has performed slightly above the average population. His ability to reason logically is somewhat above the general population’s. He can be expected to analyze complexity fairly well, and the donor is probably a quick learner compared to most people.
In terms of personality, the donor’s profile indicates a person who is like most people, in that he has the capacity for exhibiting both sides of every personality trait to some extent, but where it will be the context that is the main decider for what people might see in him. He is likely not extreme in the expression of any trait, which can make him blend in well and not stand out too much. In most cases, the donor is fairly calm, collected and good at handling pressure. He grew up in the USSR, which has taught him to appreciate what he has, and it has made him wary of the negative possibilities that might affect him. He can worry like most people but is usually good at handling potential worries by taking them on in a rational way, and mostly worrying about the things within his span of control. He is usually good at handling stress, but like most people, he needs a time and place for respite and time to collect himself after particularly stressful periods or events. The donor is especially concerned with the well-being of his children. Socially, he will try to spend time with people that are interesting to him. He will not waste time on relations that don’t reciprocate anything for him, but he is also willing to try out new things and meet new people. He works as a builder and is usually quite practical. He can take charge and seek influence, but he also has the capacity to step back and let others take the reins. He can seek excitement and new activities, but he will not exert himself and take on too many projects at any one time. Others might see him as an active individual with a desire to explore life. He is aesthetically interested as a builder and can appreciate good architecture. The donor is somewhat fanciful and creative, but not to an extent where his head is in the clouds. He can be positive, engaged and accommodating to other people, but there might also be times when he is more reserved and laid back. The donor has some appreciation for his own emotions and is somewhat curious about the inner workings of other people, but he is also logical, rational and not prone to get too caught up in emotions. The donor has some appreciation for academic and philosophical thinking, but not to an extent where he explores every topic from many different angles. On some issues he might have strong values and principles, but in other cases he is more tolerant and open to the ideas of others. The donor can be trusting and tends to believe in the best in other people, but he is neither naïve nor overly skeptical. The donor can see the utility of taking a strategic approach to interacting with others and will likely be good at being political, but not to a degree where he is either dishonest or manipulative. He can be self-sacrificing and altruistic, but likely mostly towards close relations and family members. The donor can accept subjecting himself to the authority of others, but on issues close to his heart, he might be more outspoken and critical. If necessary, he can take confrontations without being too antagonistic. The donor is fairly modest but will likely also seek recognition for some accomplishments, like his work and finished building projects. He can be sympathetic to the plight of the less fortunate in society, but it will be context-dependent where he chooses to put his time and energy, and he can also make tough decisions if the situation calls for it.
The donor takes pride in his work and wants to do well, but he can be more laid back at home. He has somewhat of a “work hard, play hard” ethic that drives him. He can feel confident about his professional abilities, but also recognizes there are areas in life where he’s not as competent as others. He can be structured and prefer a stable plan, but in other areas he can be more chaotic and less planning. He sets a high standard for himself and others at work, but when resting he is less competitive and driven. In this way, he has less discipline in his spare time, which gives him energy to be ambitious and disciplined at work. The donor can make decisions based on intuition when quick action is needed, but there might also be times where he needs a more deliberate and calculated approach. In this way, most people will see him as a hard worker, a relaxed and dutiful father and a kind and diplomatic person to be around most of the time. People who are not acquaintances or part of the inner circle might see him differently, as he chooses to spend his time and energy on being his best version to those around him and not necessarily people he meets for the first time.
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