Donor Leon

Dr. Bjørn Bay is comfortable recommending donor Leon to his patients at Maigaard Fertility Clinic - Aarhus

Key Facts Summary

Skin Tone
Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)
Donor Type
ID Release
Light Brown
Criminal Record
No Criminal Record
Process operator at a bio-ingredient factory
EUX Process Operator
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I want to help people who have a lot of love to give but for one reason or another can’t conceive on their own.
Donor Leon

Physical appearance

The silhouette is of donor Leon so you get a more accurate picture of his physical appearance.
Skin Tone
Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)
Light Brown
Dominant Hand
Blood Type
O RhD positive (O+)
Donor Type
ID Release
I am a very friendly and kind man who is always ready to listen to problems and help.
Donor Leon

Background and family

Native language
Children of his own
Family Tree

Not reported


Not reported


Office worker


Healthcare procurement officer


Funeral director




Voice recording

Our impressions

Donor Leon is one of kind. He has his heart at the right place and even with children himself and a busy schedule, he still finds the time to be a donor. He feels a strong obligation to help others in need, and he finds genuine joy in helping others, as he puts it himself.
Leon has a fun and humorous nature, and he is often ready with a joke to lighten the mood. Leon is a hard worker, and his job takes up much of his time.
Leon is easy to talk to, and he is a very nice and friendly guy. He is approachable and he is easy to interact with. He pays attention to details, and he asks many relevant questions, which shows his genuine interest and care in conversations.
Leon is tall, has curly charming hair and he always has a broad smile. He is a balanced person, who is comfortable with himself. His commitment to helping others, combined with his warm personality, makes him an exceptionel donor.
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I am most proud of my children, they can always make me happy and feel I am accomplishing something with my life.
Donor Leon

Nice to know

Favourite Color
Favourite Animal
Favourite Food
Asian food
Favourite Sport
Zodiac Sign
What's your diet like?
I eat a very varied diet of meat, fruit and vegetables, I’m a big fan of Asian cuisine and therefore have a very healthy diet.
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Do you have any particular talents?
I am very logical and problem solving, I am very curious and want to learn new things and find out how things work and function. I am very strong-willed and do not change my mind easily without facts.
What instruments do you play?

Hobbies and interests

What sports do you like to participate in?
Handball and badminton, they are both very demanding sports in different ways.
What are your hobbies?
I really like reading, I’ve been reading since I was a kid, reading is a great way to be immersed in other worlds and learn new things.
I also spend a lot of time on my coly, both playing and learning new things.


How would you describe your mother?
My mom is the sweetest and kindest woman, she puts everyone else before herself and wants everyone to be happy, many times she forgets herself when helping others.
How would you describe your father?
My dad is old school, has always been a bit strict in my upbringing, but he has always been there for me and knows he will always be there no matter what. My dad is very good with his hands and can fix almost anything and knows a lot.
What does family mean to you?
When I was younger they didn’t mean much, but as I have gotten older we have become much closer and they have helped make me who I am today, I am especially very close with my older sister.
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How would friends and family describe you?
As a kind and pleasant man, I am strongwilled but always there for them no matter what, but I also know how to call them a shovel when they do something stupid, and then we figure it out together.
Where is your dream travel destination?
I would like to travel to South Korea or Japan. I really enjoy the Asian food culture, but I also want to visit temples and castles, not to mention exploring their amazing nature.
Why do you want to become a sperm donor?
I want to help people who have a lot of love to give but for one reason or another can’t capture it themselves.
Describe some of your best experiences.
Going camping with my older sister and dad, traveling around Denmark and experiencing the Danish culture, learning how to set up tents, make a fire, cook over a campfire, go on fishing trips and learn how to cook what we catch.
What's your biggest dream or goal in life?
Being a father my children can be proud of.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my children, they can always make me happy and feel I am accomplishing something with my life, raising them and spending my days with them gives me indescribable joy. I am also very proud to have fully renovated an old country house when I was 23.
What sort of friend are you?
I am a kind and friendly friend who will always be there to help you and have your back, I am the type of friend who gets up at 2am and drives 2.5 hours to make sure you are okay after a breakup with your girlfriend.
Friendships are special to me, I don’t get attached to people easily but when I do I will do everything I can for them.
Donor Leon


Handwritten text
Dear parents-to-be
This decision you have arrived at is never an easy one, from the moment it is decided to where you sit now it has been a long and tough journey. This is where I would like to help in any way I can, you are sitting here with a lot of love you want to give to a lucky little mouse. I want to help direct that love to your future child, with a desire to bring joy to you, your families, not to mention the baby itself.
I hope your dreams come true and you will give your all for the legacy to come.
All the best to you all

Personality profile

Neuroticism assesses emotional stability and the tendency to experience negative emotions.
Very Low
Very High
Extraversion measures the level of sociability, assertiveness, and energetic engagement with the external world.
Very Low
Very High
Openness to Experience
This dimension refers to a person's openness to new ideas, experiences, and intellectual curiosity.
Very Low
Very High
Agreeableness refers to a person's interpersonal style and orientation toward others.
Very Low
Very High
Conscientiousness reflects the extent to which a person is organized, responsible, and self-disciplined.
Very Low
Very High

Psychologist opinion

The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others. He is also a blood donor and enjoys the meaningful act of donating. He wants to help, since many people cannot fulfill the wish of becoming a parent. He is already a father himself. He has not discussed the decision with others, as he feels it is a personal decision.

The intelligence test results place the donor among the average of the population. He can be expected to analyze complex problems and learn in new situations on par with the average person.

In terms of personality, the donor is good at handling stressful situations. He is comfortable in his own skin and is outwardly a quite controlled individual. He is task-oriented and others will see him as a calm and composed individual. The donor explains himself how when he is at work, the task comes first. At home, there is time for smaller ruminations and concerns. He has a pessimistic side and some temper, but his frustrations are mostly contained within himself. However, he will not hesitate to voice disagreements or calling other people out, when he has a feeling that they’re being ignorant or wrong on a topic. He is quite the realist, and will not consider baseless information under any circumstance. The donor is driven by hard logic, facts and observable truths. Others might view him as pessimistic or quite skeptical of others and their dreams, intentions or wishes if they don’t have a firm foundation in facts. He is good at handling pressure, and can keep up during intense working hours.

Socially, the donor is very comfortable in his own company and peace and quiet. He has no need to spend time with others unless it has a purpose or some deeper value, which is also why his network is small. But the relations he has are most likely profound in his own eyes. The donor will likely be viewed by others as cold, reserved and distant at first glance. It will take quite a while before he opens up towards others, and he is mostly prone to keep to the people he already knows or stay by himself. He has no need for parties or attention, but when engaging with friends or strangers, he has a visible desire for influence and is probably viewed as opinionated. He enjoys a simple calendar without too much to do, but he engages fully in the activities he does choose. It’s context-dependent when he seeks thrills. He has been described by others as arrogant and somewhat difficult to approach. He is strictly logical when perceiving the lives of others and has a hard time engaging with his own emotions and those of others. He doesn’t have much of an emotional language, which can make it harder for the donor to read others, but at the same time, he will be good at avoiding being emotional in inappropriate ways. The donor does not have a particularly rich fantasy life, but he is creative in terms of finding solutions to problems in the real world. He has a very concrete way of thinking about the world and is very action-oriented when people present him with problems. Others might see him as a bit too grounded, but he good at solving issues in a way that is detached from emotional decision-making. He does have some affinity for aesthetics and the arts, but he is mostly practical and concerned with an object’s functioning rather than its looks. He prefers a routine to follow and rarely seeks variation in his life. He will most likely be seen as someone with a great curiosity for learning and being intellectually stimulated through conversation. He will have something to say on most topics, and is fairly tolerant of the values, traditions and worldviews of others, unless they are logically internally inconsistent.

The donor is slow to trust others and will not put his faith in people unless they’ve proven their loyalty several times over. He has been burnt before by promises of others and prefers to trust people’s track records rather than their word. He is usually quite candid. The donor is often helpful to others, but he also has the ability to focus on his own goals and agendas rather than being overly self-sacrificing. He is quite okay with disagreements and doesn’t mind upsetting others or a relation if he thinks they’re in the wrong. At the same time the donor doesn’t seek recognition or attention for his achievements, and he will be very modest about his life and potential accolades. He has a natural sense of sympathy for others but doesn’t let it govern his decision-making.

The donor has a fair sense of his own competence, but he is not prone to take on tasks that he hasn’t been trained in. He performs to the best of his ability at work, but he also tends to lower his own expectations at home and allows for room to relax. He is thorough in analyzing before making decisions, and he has a tendency to work hard and take on a lot of responsibility. He takes pride in doing a good job, which might be to the detriment of his own well-being, if he doesn’t spot his own limitations in time.
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Cognitive profile

Normal Learn more
IQ Test Summary
Having a normal IQ means the donor has the reasoning and problem-solving skills of a normal person. In the case of our donors, we use the people on the job market in Denmark to define a normal person.
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Maigaard Aarhus
Sperm Donor Leon Straw
Regular price €385,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €385,00 EUR
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(Incl. VAT)
Straw Type
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Remember to talk to your fertility provider before purchasing sperm straws as they may have specific preferences. Higher MOT increases pregnancy chances in IVF and IUI treatments, but might not be necessary in all cases. All our straws contain washed sperm.

Start exploring our exceptional donor selection today to discover the perfect match for your family's future