Donor Life

Dr. Bjørn Bay is comfortable recommending donor Life to his patients at Maigaard Fertility Clinic - Odense

Key Facts Summary

Skin Tone
Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)
Donor Type
ID Release
Criminal Record
No Criminal Record
Studying medicine. Instructor in clinical skills in the medical program.
STX. Energy Technologist -> Academy program. Bachelor of Medicine
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My goal in life is just to be happy and end up somewhere in life where everything just plays out.
Donor Life

Physical appearance

The silhouette is of donor Life so you get a more accurate picture of his physical appearance.
Skin Tone
Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)
Dominant Hand
Blood Type
A RhD positive (A+)
Donor Type
ID Release
My mother is a kind, helpful and generous person who loves her grandchildren.
Donor Life

Background and family

Native language
Children of his own
Family Tree

Stay-at-home mother


Telephone repairman


Nursing assistant






Police officer



Medical student


Voice recording

Our impressions

Donor Life is a smiling and happy man with lots of energy and interest in the world around him. He initially comes across as a very proper and formal type, but he quickly opens up and becomes very cheerful and approachable. It’s clear that the donor is intellectual, which is noticeable through his interest in the approval process for donors. It’s evident that he often delves deeply into topics that he finds interesting.
Currently studying to become a doctor, the Donor values health and fami- ly, which has also led him to become a sperm donor. He is a father himself and greatly values his family. The donor is a handsome man, and it’s clear that he is fit and has been active in sports throughout his life. Overall, he comes across as a humorous, kind, and attractive man.
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I’m good at setting rules for myself and then following them until I reach the goal I set for myself.
Donor Life

Nice to know

Favourite Color
Favourite Animal
Favourite Food
Favourite Sport
Zodiac Sign
What's your diet like?
My diet is very much influenced by the fact that we are a family of four on a low budget (as I’m a student) - however, we try to eat relatively healthy and varied.
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Do you have any particular talents?
I’ve always hated such questions in job interviews, for example. I’m very bad at highlighting myself because I feel like I’m criticizing others. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I hate being the center of attention.
What instruments do you play?
None, unfortunately. I’ve tried both guitar and piano, but it just never caught me.
Why do you want to become a sperm donor?
The honest answer is that becoming a sperm donor can help me and my family financially while I continue studying. But it’s also true that I come from a family with some good genes with very little disease and overall good health.

Hobbies and interests

What sports do you like to participate in?
I’ve done a lot of gymnastics in the past. I think it was something about flying through the air and knowing that it was my own doing.
What are your hobbies?
I’m a geek and I like fantasy, sci-fi and so on. I play Dungeons & Dragons and other geeky games with my friends. I also love watching documentaries about space and its like. I think if I was stronger in math, I would have studied physics with a focus on astronomy.


How would you describe your mother?
My mother is a woman who cares about order. She’s also a person with a good work ethic - maybe a little too good at times. She is a kind, helpful and generous person who loves her grandchildren.
How would you describe your father?
My father is a person who cares a lot about being on time and looking decent. He is also a good and kind person who, like my mother, is generous, loves his grandchildren and traveling with his wife.
What does family mean to you?
Family means everything to me, of course. It’s a fact I unfortunately sometimes forget when I’m under pressure at school or something - I think that over time we have become closer to each other.
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How would friends and family describe you?
I have taken the liberty of letting my wife fill this out:
I would describe him as a nerdy person who is good at immersing himself in things he finds interesting and is passionate about. He is mostly conscientious and helpful, as well as being extremely sarcastic and full of humor. He’s sweet and nice to be around, and he’s quite good looking.
Where is your dream travel destination?
I have always wanted to go to Russia or North Korea. I’m not really sure why, but I think it’s because these countries are so closed off and surrounded by mystery.
Describe some of your best experiences.
We always traveled in the summer with my family and friends, and on those vacations my dad, sister and I would always play UNO or something at night. I remember we were really excited because we all kept putting down 2+ up cards until my sister ended up having to draw 20+ up cards.
What's your biggest dream or goal in life?
It’s kind of a boring answer, but my goal in life is just to be happy and end up somewhere in life where everything just plays out.
What are you most proud of?
There are two moments in my life I’m very proud of.
The first is that I got to marry the woman of my dreams. It took me seven years to get her to go out with me and now, six years later, we’re married with two kids, a house and a dog.
The second is when I got into medical school. It’s a dream that I never thought would happen because I didn’t think I was smart enough. However, some things happened in my life that made me pull myself together, read up on some subjects, applied and got in on the first try - and it’s been going brilliantly ever since.
I know I should write “when I had my sons”, but I think it’s a different kind of pride being referred to here.
What did you want to be when you grew up, when you were young?
I’ve always been a big fan of LEGO. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a LEGO set designer.
What sort of friend are you?
I’m a loyal and helpful friend. I’m the type of person who enjoys going out and helping my friends renovate their houses or whatever, even if I don’t know much about construction.
I’ve been told that I’m the type of person who gets good at things quickly.
Donor Life


Handwritten text
As part of this surprisingly demanding process of becoming a sperm do- nor, I have been asked to put something in writing. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing it has to do with your future child’s handwriting. If I’m right, I apologize for the crow’s feet I’m passing on, but hey, I’m training to be a doctor. So if the old adage about doctors’ handwriting is to be believed, it was “bound to happen”. So remember, should your child come home from school with a dictation that looks like it was written by a Parkinson’s-afflict- ed broken left hand, remember that it’s the sperm donor’s fault.

Personality profile

Neuroticism assesses emotional stability and the tendency to experience negative emotions.
Very Low
Very High
Extraversion measures the level of sociability, assertiveness, and energetic engagement with the external world.
Very Low
Very High
Openness to Experience
This dimension refers to a person's openness to new ideas, experiences, and intellectual curiosity.
Very Low
Very High
Agreeableness refers to a person's interpersonal style and orientation toward others.
Very Low
Very High
Conscientiousness reflects the extent to which a person is organized, responsible, and self-disciplined.
Very Low
Very High

Psychologist opinion

The donor has chosen to donate because of financial and charity reasons. He wants to help others conceive and has good genes that he wants to pass on. He is a father him- self and has discussed the decision with his wife, who supports it.
The donor has performed within the average population of his age group on the intelligence screening. He can be expected to reason on par with the average person, and he can analyze complex problems fairly well and learn reasonably quickly.
The personality test indicates a person who is on a baseline level calm and collected, but also a donor who can be somewhat self-conscious and tend to negative thoughts. He usually doesn’t worry about the small things in life, but when the situation has personal importance, he might fret a bit more and be concerned with negative outcomes. This makes him proactive in terms of avoiding bad situations or consequences, but also a tiny bit more anxious than the average person. Others will likely see him as a mild-tempered person with a fair control of his impulses and a reasonable ability to handle pressure, although he might sometimes need time to recouperate, as most people do. At the same time, he is expected to be receptive to feedback, and he will monitor his behaviour to fit others in order to not appear embarrassing or as someone who stands out in the wrong way. He is aware of this and is trying to be more comfortable in his own skin.
In terms of sociability, the donor will likely appear warm and accommodating. He does not seek the spotlight or large crowds, but he is somewhat keen on influencing the groups he is in. The donor appreciates social gatherings but can also enjoy time on his own. He is likely more prone to having a few close groups of friends rather than a grand social network. The do- nor is cautious and not directly optimistic, but rather a realist and doesn’t take things for granted. Sometimes he might enjoy exciting experiences, but at other times he enjoys peace and quiet. He is a former gymnast and likes to perform acrobatic moves. The donor is somewhat active but not so much that the calendar is always full.
He is expected to have an imaginative mind and a rich fantasy life, often imagining scenarios and day-dreaming about events or potential outcomes. He is aesthetically inclined and can be prone to enjoy the arts, culture and such. Being practical and focusing on functioning is less natural to him. Others will likely see him as a very rational individual as well, and someone who doesn’t put much stock in emotions, neither his own nor that of others. In this sense, he might have difficulty tuning in to the emotional states of others, but his self-consciousness might still make him good at reading a room in terms of what is appropriate. The donor might be better at offering solutions rather than listening and letting others vent. He enjoys variation to a large degree and can quickly become bored. He enjoys philosophical discussions, academic dialogue and stimulation on an intellectual level, even on topics he does not know much about, where he readily admits that. The donor is fascinated by the abstract and likely is viewed as having an opinion on most things. He is probably viewed as being fairly open-minded, but on some issues, he can be more set in his ways and convictions.
The donor will likely come across as trusting, diplomatic, friendly and modest. He can focus on ensuring the well-being of others, as he has a sympathetic side to him, but he is careful not to forego his own goals, needs and ambitions entirely in the process. The donor prefers being straightforward, almost to the point of being unstrategic, and he will not be good at being political, manipulative or hiding agendas. He is team-oriented to a major degree.
He can take confrontations, when necessary, but is likely to prefer keeping a good mood and good relations instead of seeking conflict.
The donor has a sense of competency but is also aware of where he does not have proficiency. In some cases he might feel like having a bit of “impostor-syndrome” as a medical student, but others tell him he is a quick learner and competent. In this way, he is not always likely to take chances and will not take on responsibilities that he isn’t ready for, but he might also miss out on some opportunities for that reason. He is ambitious and sets high standards in the projects he cares about but is laxer and more laid back when it comes to areas that do not hold his interest. He can keep agreements and hold deadlines if he sees the value in it but is not aggressively dutiful. He can keep order and be structured, but not in every aspect of his life. The donor is fairly disciplined, but it is not every personal goal that he keeps to or achieves. He has high standards and might be affected somewhat by failures, but he is not prone to over-working himself or being critical or dissatisfied to the point of being stressed. The donor can be deliberate and analytic in his approach to decision-making, but he can also be intuitive and act on gut-feeling when a situation calls for it.
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Cognitive profile

Normal Learn more
IQ Test Summary
Having a normal IQ means the donor has the reasoning and problem solving skills of a normal person. In the case of our donors we use the people on the job market in Denmark to define a normal person.
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Maigaard Odense
Sperm Donor Life Straw
Regular price €577,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €577,50 EUR
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Remember to talk to your fertility provider before purchasing sperm straws as they may have specific preferences. Higher MOT increases pregnancy chances in IVF and IUI treatments, but might not be necessary in all cases. All our straws contain washed sperm.

Start exploring our exceptional donor selection today to discover the perfect match for your family's future