The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others. He has found it easy to have children with his wife and wants others to have the same opportunity. He knows friends and family relations who have had trouble conceiving. He has discussed the decision to donate with her, and she supports it.
On the intelligence screening test, the donor performs around the average for his age group. He can be expected to analyze complex problems fairly well, and he learns on par with the average person.
The personality test indicates a person who is generally very calm, collected and comfortable. Others will likely see the donor as someone who is very comfortable in his own skin and doesn’t care much about what others think of him. This can make him well at ease in social gatherings, but can also make him less strategic and his behavior might not be to everyone’s liking. He’s likely to be good at handling pressure and stressful situations without making much of a fuss. At the same time, the donor can be quite impulsive and have trouble monitoring and inhibiting immediate reactions, which can make him do things that he later regrets. It also makes it easier for people to read him and know his attitude. The donor is not prone to negative thoughts.
He is a father of 3 kids, and so he might worry in situations regarding their well-being, but in other cases he is much more laid back. The donor has a mixture of being sociable and wanting to have some time alone. He enjoys the company of others and can be warm, gregarious and outgoing, but there might also be times where he doesn’t prefer being with others. When he attends social events or gatherings though, he is assertive, dominant and influential. The donor does enjoy having a full calendar, and he wants to spend time doing things that are exciting and adrenaline-inducing. The donor recently bought a scooter without thinking too much about it, because he wanted to have fun with it, which both shows an impulsive side and some degree of excitement seeking. He is usually positive and optimistic and will be seen as such.
Though the donor is active and keeps busy with all manner of projects and responsibilities, he is grounded, logical, practical and rational. He doesn’t enjoy culture or the arts to any extreme degree. He has a stubbornness to him and a strong set of core values that he doesn’t stray much from. He is more on the conservative side in terms of attitude and is principled. Others might view him as less tolerant than others, but few are in doubt of his standpoints, which can be a strength. He does enjoy intellectual conversations and stimulating his philosophical side every once in a while, but it’s not his main trait.
He is fairly trusting of others but not to an unreasonable degree. Burn his trust one too many times, and it might be hard to regain. The donor is very candid about being out for his own self interests and will focus on securing personal agendas before attending to those of others. The donor is good at highlighting his achievements and boasting about accomplishments. This makes him good at making a name for himself, likely, but it might rub others the wrong way at times. He is expected to be respected by coworkers, but not necessarily looked at as an amicable colleague. Others will probably view him as very professional, though. His peers might see him as cynical, callous and cold but very good at being self-promoting and self-centered, which can be helpful in many circumstances. He’s not afraid of confrontation, but others might miss some diplomacy or goodwill from him from time to time. He can be expected to be good at being harsh when it is necessary, but he might lack some degree of compassion for those outside his inner circle.
The donor is orderly, structured and hard working. He’s been in the roof construction business and worked as a chef at restaurants, where the pressure has been high, and he’s had to change profession because of his tendency to take on responsibility and having trouble giving it away again. He is dutiful and perhaps a tad inflexible and quick to exert his will. The donor sets a high standard and he’s critical and disciplined. He expects much of others, even when it might seem unfair in their eyes. He’s also quick to make decisions, even though they might sometimes benefit from a little more deliberation. He takes pride in his work, trusts his intuition and strives to do well.
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