The donor is well-reflected about his decision to donate. He does not have a personal ambition of becoming a parent, but he wants to help others now that he knows he has the ability to do so. He prefers being anonymous as a donor, and primarily has an interest in giving others the means to become parents themselves. The donor has good cognitive resources, and is expected to be a quick learner, who is good at analyzing and identifying complex problems.
Regarding his personality, the donor is very calm, grounded and emotionally balanced. He does not worry for no reason, and others might regard him as relatively care-free. He is rarely ever angry, and it takes a lot to irritate him. The donor will likely only show visible anger in case of serious transgressions towards his personal boundaries, and most others might see him as emotionally flat but positive and happy. He is adept at keeping cool under pressure and during intense situations, which he has benefitted from during his military training. This calm and composed demeanor can affect the donor’s proactive behavior, where he might not always be as quick as others to react to potential dangers or concerns, as he tends to downplay these at first. He is not concerned with how others see him, and so will usually stand out as a confident man with little chance of showing embarrassment. This might also indicate that he does not worry about how he portrays himself in front of others, for better or for worse.
The donor is extroverted and generally prefers being social, though he also has the capacity to spend time on his own under certain circumstances. Others will most likely have an easy time interacting with him, and the donor will seem charming and approachable to most. There might be some situations where he is more reserved, for example if he is deeply involved in his work. He is not overly dominant and will take a back seat in social interactions where he does not feel like he has good or worthwhile insights. In other situations, he will take charge in groups, especially if he feels best suited to the role in relation to others. He has experience with taking roles of responsibility and will step up if no one else takes the initiative. The donor prefers being highly active and can become restless if he does not have anything to involve himself with. This drive also indicates that he will seem like a busy person to others, and he will often find himself in situations where he has a lot on his plate and with many responsibilities. At the same time the donor enjoys activities with risk and adrenaline, like parachuting. He can be a risk taker and will prefer an exciting life with lots of variety and experiences, where others might regard him as a bit reckless in some situations.
The donor is predominantly logical, rational and grounded in his decision- making and in his approach to life. He doesn’t concern himself much with his own emotions or the emotions of others. He will most likely be viewed as a good problem-solver and helper but might not always be the best listener. He does not have a high sensitivity towards reading the atmosphere in a room, and will mostly respond to factual, concrete and logical ways of thinking. He is not particularly creative but can think in abstract terms when needed. He prefers having a life with variation and would likely feel ‘stuck’ if he was relegated to a life with unchanging routines. He has a great sense of self-discipline when it comes to physical activity and fitness, however. The donor is generally accepting of others and their values and might also adopt flexible viewpoints regarding some topics but has a firm moral code in other areas. He enjoys intellectual stimulation through conversation and discussion but will also be pragmatic and action-oriented rather than too abstract and ‘philosophical’.
The donor keeps a balance between looking out for himself and being cooperative, diplomatic and agreeable. He has no trouble separating his own life from the lives and troubles of others, and some might regard him as a bit callous in that sense. He can be charitable at times and has a tendency to believe in the best of others from the beginning. He is quick to trust and will prefer to give others a chance. In his eyes, other people have his respect until they prove unworthy of it. When facing disagreements, he is usually diplomatic and concedes points to others to preserve relations, unless the disagreement is rooted in something important to him personally. The donor has a natural and general inclination to help others but will not let it be at the cost of his personal main goals. He is primarily humble and does not seek attention or the spotlight, unless he has achieved something major. The donor can be relied upon as being honest in most interactions but can be strategic and political if it serves an important personal goal.
The donor is a hard worker and a responsible one. He has a general sense of being competent at most of what he does but can also recognize areas where others might be more suited for the task. He is not always the most structured or detail-oriented but strives to perform his best at everything he does. The donor Is good at setting goals for himself, and he achieves most of them. He is intent on working extra during weeks that require more of his time at work if he is behind on quotas or performance indicators. He sets a high bar for himself as well as others and can be quite self- critical. He is very structured regarding his work calendar, but has a looser approach in his private life, which might lead to conflicting scheduling and less organized drawers at home. He prioritizes work and personal goals like fitness which sometimes affect the time he has to prioritize relationships with friends and others.
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