The donor has chosen to apply in order to have an income, where he doesn’t have to spend time on a job he doesn’t like. In this way, he has more free-time to focus on his own development and social activities, when he isn’t studying. He is indifferent to the potential implications of being a donor, because it doesn’t have any consequences for his day to day life. He supposes others would be donors in his place if he didn’t donate.
The personality test describes a fundamentally calm and emotionally balanced donor. He is very rarely angry or temperamental, and is generally not prone to worrying. The donor mentions being passionate and emotionally involved when watching sports, but in most other contexts, he is outwardly very controlled. He can occasionally worry about the future, and will be anxious to do well on exams, for instance, but in general he worries less than others. He is not concerned with his demeanor towards others, unless he feels like he has wronged someone, or has come across as an unpleasant person. The donor is fundamentally a positive and cheerful person, who has a tendency to focus on positive aspects of life, rather than being pessimistic. He is very rarely lost in his emotions, and will be much more likely to be emotionally unaffected by adverse or major events than the average person.
In almost any context, he is not worried about embarrassing himself, and he has a general sense of confidence. The donor is not driven by impulses, and can keep himself from acting in a rash or emotional manner. He can keep calm under pressure, and will only rarely be thrown off by stressful situations. His sense of self is fairly well established, and he doesn’t feel an inner drive to change personality, which might make it harder for him to incorporate personal feedback than others. When it comes to logical or task-oriented feedback, he will be more attentive to it.
Socially, others will consider the donor to be an approachable, warm, hospitable and friendly person. The donor keeps a close circle of friends, and though outwardly accommodating and easy to talk to, he prefers small social gatherings compared to larger parties. He is focused on a small network and his family, and mostly stays away from the spotlight. He can assume leadership if called upon, but his natural preference will be to stay in the background. He is generally not assertive, unless it concerns a topic he’s passionate about. The donor usually tends to focus on fewer activities, interests and projects than others, and can be a bit overwhelmed, if too much is going on around him. He doesn’t take unnecessary risks, and prefers safety over excitement. He considers himself primarily a realist, and is not the most imaginative person. Others will see him as a logical and rational individual.
He can acknowledge his own emotions and others’, but will be more interested in analysis and concrete arguments. He is not overly fond of people who are too emotional in his eyes. He has routines to follow, and is not as curious as others in terms of exploring new hobbies and interests, but it does happen on occasion. He is fond of intellectual arguments and abstract reflections, where big ideas are discussed, and many points of view are brought forward. His own opinions are malleable and open to being changed. He is especially curious about other viewpoints, traditions and values, and will seek these out in hopes of learning something new about the world.
In that way, he is intellectually curious and open-minded, but it might be hard for others to know his opinions, as they change over time. Others will see him as a good listener, who has a keen talent for understanding the position of those he interacts with. The donor appreciates aesthetics and art, and is also concerned with appearance and looks, where others might be more pragmatically oriented. He can sometimes lose himself in reflections and thought.
When interacting with others, the donor is quite agreeable, and will primarily try to satisfy the needs of others before himself. He has something of a ‘pleaser’ mentality, and is self-less and self-sacrificing, which is sometimes taken advantage of by others. The donor is very trusting, and prefers being diplomatic, humble and honest as opposed to being confronting, self-promoting and strategic in his discourse. He will rarely seek attention and credit for his achievements, and has a tendency to believe in others, their intentions and their positive sides. In this way, some might see him as a bit naive at times.
He has a natural sympathy for others, but can also keep himself from being overly involved in the problems of others. People around him will most likely describe him as someone who is easy to work with, and someone who is quite likeable. He is not particularly comfortable confronting others, unless the topic holds a strong personal meaning to him. If he is angry with someone, the donor will prefer to keep it to himself, rather than ‘making a scene’.
The donor has a realistic sense of his own competence, without being over-confident or self-deprecating. He has a strong work ethic, and is good at structuring his life and planning ahead. He might not always meet the high standards he sets for himself. He can procrastinate a bit when it comes to assignments he doesn’t care about, but rarely misses a deadline. The donor is detail-oriented and doesn’t like delivering half-finished products. He can be critical of himself, which is a motivator to do his best, but also a factor that make him annoyed with even small defeats and failures. He is flexible when plans change. Most will consider him a loyal person with a strong sense of responsibility and conscientiousness. He can take a lot of responsibility upon himself, and will be considered an independent person when he will prefer delivering a finished product, than risking poor outcomes or unnecessary consequences.
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