The donor has chosen to donate because of a desire to help others. He wants to make a difference for others as he is a father himself. Being a father is his greatest joy, and he wants others to know that joy as well. He also wants to contribute to increasing the population, since he views the declining birth rates as a problem.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed above average on the intelligence screening, indicating a decent ability to learn quickly and analyze complex problems. He can be expected to handle complexity well.
In terms of personality, the donor is a very calm, collected and rational person. Although there might be times where he is a bit impulsive, he is usually very controlled. Others will regard him as someone who rarely worries and as someone who is good at handling stressful situations without losing his cool. He rarely shows a temper unless it is explicitly called for, and the donor is very much at ease with his own personality. He rarely worries about what others think of him and rarely has pessimistic tendencies. This makes him good at keeping a level head and at problem solving under pressure. Some might see him as too calm and too relaxed, and he might miss an opportunity to react at times where proactivity is warranted. He can also have difficulty identifying his own limitations. The donor might have a tendency to overlook relevant concerns that others would catch. He has a high degree of trust in his own abilities, which can be good in terms of confidence, but there might be times where he overestimates himself or his abilities. This can also make him more resistant to personal feedback than others, as he is usually satisfied with his own persona. He is expected to be curious about performance or task feedback due to his high degree of ambition and standards.
The donor is not particularly social compared to others, and he might be perceived as a bit reserved and distant at first glance. While he doesn’t prefer large gatherings, the donor has a close network of friends that he enjoys spending time with. He is slow to trust and open up to others, but once he does, he can be helpful and engaged with others. The donor tends to stay grounded, logical and very rational to such a degree that he doesn’t pay much attention to the emotions of himself and others. He is very practical, and solution oriented rather than focusing on listening to others needing to vent, which can cause some misunderstandings between him and others. The donor can seek excitement, but the type of excitement he seeks will be context dependent. For example, he can enjoy a bit of gambling and lots of traveling, but also wants to stay financially secure and is controlled in that aspect. He can be expected to enjoy focusing on one activity at a time and doesn’t need a high degree of stimulation. He can be quite opinionated and willing to discuss many things. In the social gatherings he attends, the donor might wish to be an influential decision-maker. He only speaks if he feels the need to, but when he speaks it is usually a well-thought through input. He is quick to voice disagreement and is not concerned with creating potential discussions or smaller conflicts if he feels he’s in the right. The donor enjoys being intellectually stimulated and will call out inconsistencies in arguments. He is curious and tolerant of others in the sense of exploring other world views, political ideas, religious convictions and the like. His own values seem to be quite mutable, and it can sometimes be hard for others to identify exactly what he stands for. In his own words, he is firm in his convictions, unless data tells him something else. The donor enjoys a varied life with some things left to routine. He can be expected to have a fair variety of hobbies or activities he enjoys. He is slow to trust others, and is skeptical of the intentions of others at first. This will make him less prone to being naive, but will also make it harder for him to establish lasting connections as well as other people.
The donor is not markedly creative or has a rich inner fantasy-life. He is not particularly interested in the arts or culture to a large degree either. He is fairly modest and doesn’t seek much recognition for personal achievements. At the same time, he is considered a hard worker who is structured, disciplined and sets a high bar for others and himself. He is very achievement-oriented, and he has ambitious projects going on. He has a kind of “work hard, play hard” attitude and is fixated on enjoying his free-time to its fullest, and intends on early retirement. The donor also has played sports at a high level, for example, and is very keen on investments and financial gain. He is detailed in his analyses and quite dutiful. This will make him appealing in the eyes of an employer, but can also make him critical, slightly perfectionist and less accepting of rapidly changing circumstances or chaos. He might also react negatively to people who he sees as less ambitious or lazier than himself. He is concerned with doing well and will thrive in environments with performance-oriented people. This can also make him a bit callous or unsympathetic towards others in general. However, this will likely rarely show on the outside, as he is aware of how to communicate strategically and in a way that helps him achieve personal agendas
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