The donor is an exchange student who donates for two reasons: 1. the financial incentive and 2. to help others conceive children. He has a strong devotion to communal values and wants to help his community in whatever way he can. He has reflected on the decision to donate, but opinions among friends and family seem to be against the donor’s decision. He has not told his parents about the decision.
In terms of cognitive abilities, the donor’s test results indicate a person of average logical reasoning ability. He can be expected to analyze and solve complex problems on par with the average person.
In terms of personality, the donor uses several words to describe himself, both in his answering of the profile questions and during the conversation with the psychologist. However, it should be noted that the words he uses to describe himself are more prominent and categorical than what the test scores indicate. Overall, the personality test shows a person who has behavior and personality that is more context-dependent and middle-of-the-road than his self- reflections seem to indicate. During the conversation, the donor accepts the descriptions of the personality test, but it is unclear whether this accepting attitude is due to a language barrier and a misunderstanding of the descriptions, since the donor is not a native English speaker. In summary, the true values and behavior of this donor must lie somewhere in between these information sources. This profile will describe the donor’s own words and juxtapose them with the results of the personality test.
In his own words, the donor is defined by discipline, respect for his elders, staying healthy and working out, meeting new people and furthering innovation. In his own words, he “radiates positivity and kindness”. He strives to be empathetic, compassionate, understanding and considerate towards others. He is honest and possesses integrity. He is optimistic and desires to create warm and uplifting environments. He works hard and is resilient in the face of adversity. He looks for personal growth and is aware of his own room for growth and betterment. He is creative, adaptive and analytical. He has leadership potential. He is eager to travel and explore, and he enjoys gaming and gardening. He values friendship and new relationships. He is an only son and believes this has granted him some sense of responsibility and independence early on.
Based on the personality test, the donor is reasonably calm and collected and will be seen by others as a generally emotionally stable person. He has the capacity for worrying and negative thoughts, which keeps him aware of consequences and potential negative outcomes. He has a natural degree of frustration and self-consciousness as most others do. In times of adversity, he can be affected by it like most others, but will after some time bounce back and find his footing. He is neither impervious to outside influences or effects nor overly emotional or pessimistic. The donor has a naturally strong control of his own impulses. In certain important situations, he can be affected by stress.
The donor is quite social and enjoys establishing new connections. He wants influence and wants to be heard and seen. The donor has a context-based approach to the amount of activity and excitement he needs in his life. He is not overly optimistic, but usually positive and realistic at the same time. He prefers being with others mostly. Sometimes, he might need a low level of activity, and in other circumstances he might need a lot of stimulation and is driven to many different purposes. The donor is neither introvert nor extremely extroverted. While the donor is usually accommodating and approachable, there might be circumstances where he is more reserved and colder (most likely in new and uncertain situations).
In terms of openness, the donor is reasonably attuned to his own emotions and that of others. He can have periods of creativity and an appreciation of the arts, and at other times he is more logical, concrete and practical. The donor can enjoy variety and intellectual stimulation, but sometimes he prefers routines and a less abstract approach to the world. He is neither a “head in the clouds” tolerant, open idealist nor a completely conservative, rational “down to earth” person. In terms of values, he skews to a more conservative side, preferring to stick to his principles and traditions, and will likely take some convincing to change his worldview. This is helpful in being a consistent individual and a person with integrity.
The donor has a capacity for looking out for his own interests, but he is also concerned with being diplomatic and helpful to others. The donor is generally trusting in others but will most likely seek to understand the context he is in to best determine the course of action most in line with his own agendas. This can make him a bit strategic in his way of communicating. He is mostly compliant and will seek to maintain good relations rather than challenge and be skeptical of others, unless the actions and beliefs of his peers are in direct contrast to his own. He is modest and sympathetic but knows when to demand credit for his achievements and when to forgo sympathy to make the right decisions for himself. He is helpful when called upon, but the donor is also wary of keeping his personal needs at the forefront of his life.
The donor has a strong sense of competence, but his ambitions and work ethic are more context based. He can be trusted to work hard in fields and contexts that excite and interest him. He is largely dependable and organized, but some circumstances can make him prioritize his time and effort to reflect his level of energy and passion. To others, he will appear as achievement-oriented and disciplined as the average person. He is neither a perfectionist nor a flexible hedonist. He will do what is expected of him but will not take on more responsibility than necessary. To some, the donor will seem like a person who moderately lives up to his potential. He is somewhat analytical but can also act on instinct and intuition. In essence, his test results indicate that the context will be a large factor in determining his attitude and behavior. Sometimes he is organized, and at other times he is more laissez faire, which keeps a healthy balance in terms of work ethic and relaxation.
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