The donor has chosen to donate because he’s tried fertility treatment with his former wife. When that didn’t work, he was encouraged by the doctor to consider donating, which he declined at the time because of what that would indicate for his wife back then. He also donates blood and wants to help people in general. Now that he is not with his ex-wife, he was reminded of the offer from back then and decided to give it a try.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed on par with the average population for his age group. He can be expected to learn new things at the same pace as most others, and he is likely adequate at analyzing complexity and solving problems.
In terms of personality, others will likely see the donor as extremely calm, patient, reasonable and logically oriented. He is expected to be very good at controlling his own impulses and keeping a level head. Almost to the point where others might think he is impervious to outside influences and devoid of negative or emotionally passionate states of mind. To some he might seem phlegmatic, were it not for a positive, joyous attitude towards others. He is likely to be very constant in his emotional state without high outbursts, unless it pertains to personal failures or a more competitive side. Others will probably see the donor as someone with an ability to control his temper, and he rarely acts on impulse.
He will likely be very good at handling long or immediate periods of stress, but this could also be because he is not aware of his own limits. When his family convinces him to slow down and take a break, he immediately feels exhausted once he relaxes. In the same way, his tendency to not worry is so low, that he might oversee important potential negative outcomes. He will likely appear to others as a very confident person who is at peace with himself and doesn’t change his behavior to suit others unless it is of the utmost importance to his own agenda.
The donor has clear indications of being very social, gregarious, outgoing and good at making a first impression. Others will likely enjoy his company and he is not likely to appear socially awkward or withdrawn. The donor has a tendency to seek influence and to have his opinion heard, while he also enjoys taking charge among friends and colleagues. He enjoys teaching and he is a company manager. To others, he will seem like a presence with some authority and a natural tendency to lead. He is very active and seeks stimulation in many ways as often as possible. It is likely that his calendar will be constantly filled, and he is probably not someone who enjoys sitting still and having time to relax. The donor is also expected to seek thrills and exciting opportunities which is prone to make him willing to take risks and seek adrenaline. He has tried bungee jumping and motorcycle racing, for example. He is very optimistic and believes he can succeed with many things in life. This can also make him prone to ignore potential risks or to downplay the negative aspects brought up by others. The donor is likely someone who is better at talking than listening, and he might sometimes be a bit abrasive and domineering in the eyes of others.
The donor is also very curious, creative and fanciful. He can get caught up in random thoughts that take his attention and distracts him completely. He enjoys generating ideas and having philosophical or academic discussions. He is likely to have an opinion on most topics, and he is expected to be extremely logical in his approach. He doesn’t put much stock into his own feelings or that of others, which makes him good at reasoning, but maybe less adept at reading a room or actively seeking to understand why someone reacts the way they do. In his later years, he has learned to remind himself to consider the feelings of others. He is likely also very open to changing his mind and exploring the values, traditions and beliefs of others with an open mind, if opinions or viewpoints are not forced upon him. He enjoys variation to a high degree and can easily grow bored by monotony or a daily life that is much the same from day to day. He is very confident in his own abilities and seeks to do his best in all endeavors. The donor is dutiful, and others will see him as a hard worker who is probably a very good and efficient colleague, but who also forgets to take breaks and is very critical with high standards and a low capacity for identifying his own limitations. He will prefer structure but can endure some chaos as long as there is a specific goal in mind, and progress is made towards it. The donor is analytical and deliberate in his actions and rarely decides based on intuition, which can make him slow to choose a path or act sometimes but will definitely make him more correct than others. The donor mostly trusts the people he knows well, and his trust is not dealt out easily. He prefers a few close friends and then a wide social network, so few get to see his inner workings. He can be strategic and political, and much of his professional life is about working out other peoples angles and working them to his benefit. He is very self-sacrificing and accommodating towards others. The donor is good at promoting himself and seeking recognition for his achievements, which will make him less modest than most. He will likely be seen as sympathetic and good at lending a helping hand, sometimes to the detriment of his own well-being, goals or agendas. He is expected to rather keep quiet and keep the peace than being outwardly critical, which can make him less prone to take confrontations than others but will make him easy to work with and likely more well-liked by his superiors.
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