The donor is well-reflected about the decision to become donor. He has applied to help others while gaining some extra income at the same time. He has reflected on the decision with his girlfriend and has opted to be an open donor in order to provide answers for future children wanting to know more about their history.
The donor’s cognitive test results are within the range of the average population. He can be expected to be reasonably quick to understand complex problems and analyze the world around him.
The personality indicates a person who is passionate and can exhibit a varying degree of emotions. He is well attuned to his emotional life and that of others, and he can be impulsive as well as reflected depending on the situation. The donor can experience negative emotions and worry, sometimes more than the average person. This helps him be aware of potential risks, dangers, and negative consequences. In the eyes of others, he might also worry unnecessarily at times. The donor can be hit harder than other people by adverse events, and it might take him some time to recover, but he can be expected to be passionate and experience higher emotional highs and lows than the average person. He cares about what others think of him which can be a motivator to seek feedback and attune his actions to the social groups he engages in. At the same time, it can cause him to be more reserved and concerned with putting himself on the line socially due to a fear of embarrassing himself or others. He is gentle and kind towards his closest relationships.
The donor is predominantly introverted, and others will probably see him as reserved and shy at first. He prefers his own company and having time to ‘recharge his batteries’ by being alone. He prefers spending time with those closest to him and doesn’t often meet new people. The donor can focus on one activity at a time and prefers to do so. He can lose himself in a particular activity rather than constantly having multiple things going on at the same time. He is not socially dominant and would rather give that space to other people. He doesn’t like being the center of attention and has some reservations about taking risks. He can be cautious and will most likely play it safe when he can, but the donor has a predominantly positive and optimistic outlook on life. He is curious and open to new experiences. The donor is creative, full of ideas and perspectives and enjoys intellectual stimulation. He can appreciate and tolerate many different backgrounds, opinions, and traditions. The donor is somewhat principled and holds firm to ideals of showing respect, being kind, and helping others. Others might have a hard time following the donor’s train of thought at times. He is invested in aesthetics, art, and beauty, sometimes more so than the practical applicability of things.
The donor is largely diplomatic, helpful, and sympathetic. He trusts those close to him, but also recognizes that not everyone has his best interests in mind. At the same time, he often tends to the needs of others before attending his own. The donor can take on the problems of others and sympathize to a degree where he might sometimes have trouble making hard decisions that affect others. He will most likely be considered a good co-worker and an overall nice and diplomatic person. He is humble and doesn’t focus on highlighting his personal achievements. He could sometimes benefit from taking care of himself and promoting his own needs.
The donor is also characterized by being detail-oriented. He bases most of his decisions on data and knowledge rather than intuition. He is reasonably flexible and can endure unstructured environments in some circumstances, but not others. He has a balanced sense of confidence where acknowledges his limits but also trusts his competencies most of the time. As with most people, he can have periods of doubt and self-consciousness, but these usually pass and give way for a core belief in his abilities. The donor can achieve many personal goals, but he doesn’t always live up to his full potential. If a task or goal has personal importance he can be expected to put in a great effort, but he will be more selective in his application of focus and determination when his responsibilities are not close to his heart.
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