Donor Ricardo

Dr. Kathrine Haahr is comfortable recommending donor Ricardo to her patients at JunoIVF - Copenhagen

Key Facts Summary

Skin Tone
Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)
Donor Type
Non-ID Release
Dark Brown
Criminal Record
No Criminal Record
Studying to become an electrician
High school
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Having done something positive for another person is always the time I’m most proud of myself.
Donor Ricardo

Physical appearance

The silhouette is of donor Ricardo so you get a more accurate picture of his physical appearance.
Skin Tone
Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)
Dark Brown
Dominant Hand
Blood Type
O RhD negative (O-)
Donor Type
Non-ID Release
My mother is a loving, determined, wise and committed person who has always done everything she can to be there for her family.
Donor Ricardo

Background and family

Native language
Children of his own
Family Tree











High school student

Voice recording

Our impressions

Donor Ricardo is highly dedicated to helping those in need start the families they dream of. He considers it anoble act and emphasizes his love for assisting others.
Ricardo is unique - he is creative and calm. He asks in-depth, well-reflected questions and engages with interest, making him present in conversations. He is considered intelligent, mature, and responsible.
Ricardo prioritiszes personal relationships and avoids excessive time on social media. Connecting in real life brings him greater joy.
At every meeting, we have experienced Ricardo’s kindness and everyone agrees he is a very sweet and polite person, making him easy to relate to and spend time with.
Ricardo is a handsome young man with a special smile, tall stature, and striking blue eyes.
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I am most proud of the way I treat other people. What I would call ”a good person” is someone who can see beyond the end of their nose and be able to help and do things for others, even if it’s not convenient for them.
Donor Ricardo

Nice to know

Favourite Color
Favourite Animal
Favourite Food
Pasta with meat sauce
Zodiac Sign
What's your diet like?
I started learning about nutrition when I was 16-17 and it is an important part of my life today. On the other hand, I also have a sweet tooth and am not fanatical about my diet. I try to eat healthy and varied, so my diet consists of: Meat (5 days a week), rice/ pasta/potatoes and always vegetables. I am bad at eating breakfast, but if I do it is usually rye bread. Rarely eat gravy or white bread. If I have to eat something unhealthy, it is usually chocolate or biscuits.
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Do you have any particular talents?
I’m often ”the funny one” in the group, if you can call it a talent. I don’t think I have any particular talents, but I’m all around good at most things.
What instruments do you play?
I played the piano as a child, but I couldn’t play a song today.
Why do you want to become a sperm donor?
I see that as a noble deed. Not only is a life created, but being able to help strangers find happiness, I can only see as positive.

Hobbies and interests

What sports do you like to participate in?
I have always loved ball sports and it has always been natural for me. I have played football since I was 5 years old and still play on a team. However, the team is mostly made up of friends and it’s more for exercise and fun. Played football at a high level until I was 17. Have played or still play: Basketball, football, badminton, padel, tennis, squash, golf and table tennis. Within the last year I have taken up a martial art, Brazilian JiuJitsu, which I really enjoy. I started it to try something completely different and at the same time learn self-defence.
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are music, movies/TV, sports, friends/family, cooking, games and travel. I’m probably most interested in travel. As described before, I am a curious person and would like to experience as much of the world as possible in my lifetime. Getting to see new places, meet new people and experience different cultures is the second biggest interest in my life. My biggest and most important interest is the well-being of my friends and family.


How would you describe your own personality?
My personal characteristics I would say are: My black humor and love to laugh – I am an open and friendly person who sincerely wants the best for everyone and has no malicious intentions or ulterior motives. I would describe myself as introverted in the sense that I get my energy charged up by being by myself, but at the same time have always been good in social settings and am not introverted as a person. I was voted ”Best Mate” in primary, secondary and high school, so have always found it easy to ”fit in”.
How would friends and family describe you?
The goofy one who doesn’t like deep conversations but is able to have them if necessary. The one who is always willing to help, but has a hard time asking for help himself. The one who doesn’t shout the loudest in company, but isn’t afraid to speak his mind. The one who can sometimes be confrontational if he’s not happy with the way things are being done. I think they would describe me as a good friend and family member, but not necessairly the most open and loving verbally, more in action.
Describe some of your best experiences.
Some of my best experiences have clearly occured while I’ve been on longer trips alone. I have always been curious and had the desire to meet other people and cultures. So my best experiences are for example: Living in a small village on the Mekong River in Laos for two weeks. Going to New York for three months and staying with a foreign family I met through the internet. Falling in love with a Danish girl I met by chance on a beach in Koh Samui and then travelling around with her for a month. Most of my best experiences have in common that they were not planned, but that I had the freedom and the desire to go with it.
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How would friends and family describe you?
The goofy one who doesn’t love the deep conversations but is able to have them if needed. The one who is always willing to help you if possible. The one who stands up for you if you’re not able to do so yourself.
What do friendships mean to you?
Friendship means a lot to me. I’ve never had many friends, but the few friendships I have now are as close as anything can be. People I’ve known for fifteen plus years that I can trust and who can trust me.
What's your biggest dream or goal in life?
My biggest dream and goal in life is to not regret too many things I didn’t do during my life. My biggest dream is to be able to look back at things I have done or tried in the past and think: ”At least I tried”, ”At least I went for what I wanted”.
I am an open and friendly person who sincerely wants the best for everyone and has no malicious intentions or ulterior motives.
Donor Ricardo


Handwritten text
Dear potential parents,
My whole idea behind becoming a sperm donor is to be able to help others and improve society at the same time.
I sincerely believe that I have been lucky with the genes I have received from my parents. I don’t call myself God’s gift to anything, but I have generally always had it easier than most when it comes to physical exercise and academic understanding.
Now if there were someone out there who could use me as a donor, I would consider it a privilege to be able to help.
I assume you who consider choosing me as a donor are thoughtful, loving, ambitious and have the potential to be great parents, which I believe is even more important than the genetics. Being able to help give a child a bright future because of the supportive and loving environment you will provide is all I want out of this.

Personality profile

Neuroticism assesses emotional stability and the tendency to experience negative emotions.
Very Low
Very High
Extraversion measures the level of sociability, assertiveness, and energetic engagement with the external world.
Very Low
Very High
Openness to Experience
This dimension refers to a person's openness to new ideas, experiences, and intellectual curiosity.
Very Low
Very High
Agreeableness refers to a person's interpersonal style and orientation toward others.
Very Low
Very High
Conscientiousness reflects the extent to which a person is organized, responsible, and self-disciplined.
Very Low
Very High

Psychologist opinion

The donor is well-reflected regarding the impact of being a donor. He has multiple different perspectives regarding the decision to become a donor, and has ultimately decided, that he should help others now that he has the opportunity. A deciding factor in his process has been hearing from friends who have a hard time conceiving.
The donor is generally characterized by being balanced, reflected and curious. He is good at trying out new things and will seek variety in his everyday life. He has a close circle of friends, and is loyal and helpful to them, but is a bit more reserved when it comes to new relations. It takes time for him to truly trust others, but at the same time he is good at protecting himself and not being naive.
The donor has a balanced approach to work, discipline and relaxation, where the mediating factor is the relevance of a task. He can be flexible, easy-going, and confident as a baseline, but will be hard-working and determined if the situation calls for it. He has a calm appearance outward, and many reflections and considerations on the inside.
The donor likes taking part in decision-making and enjoys having influence when he is in comfortable social relations. He prefers close, small social circles to large parties. The donor is good at being skeptical and challenging others point of view. He is exceptional at voicing disagreements, sometimes to the detriment of a social relation, but he is also aware enough to know when it bothers others. The donor is at the same time humble and does not seek to promote himself. He is logically and rationally oriented, letting emotional aspects be a secondary priority to him.
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Cognitive profile

Normal Learn more
IQ Test Summary
As the average IQ score is 100, donor Ricardo has a normal IQ-score.
Having a normal IQ means the donor has the reasoning and problemsolving skills of a normal person. In the case of our donors, we use the people in the job market to define a “normal” person.
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Juno IVF
Sperm Donor Ricardo Straw
Regular price €268,75 EUR
Regular price Sale price €268,75 EUR
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Remember to talk to your fertility provider before purchasing sperm straws as they may have specific preferences. Higher MOT increases pregnancy chances in IVF and IUI treatments, but might not be necessary in all cases. All our straws contain washed sperm.

Start exploring our exceptional donor selection today to discover the perfect match for your family's future