The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others with conceiving a child, and also to make some money on the side. He finds it easy to do and very simple. The donor doesn’t have many further reflections on the prospect of fathering children biologically, without becoming a parent. He doesn’t mind being contacted by any donor children in the future as well.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed below the average for his age group on the screening test. He can be expected to be a bit slower to analyze complexity and learn new things than others. He will be reason- able at some things, less so at other things.
In terms of personality, the donor is expected to be like most people in many ways, and there are not many aspects in which his personality can be said to stand out amongst others. His most defining trait seems to be deliberation, where he will be good at controlling impulses, immediate pleasures and actions in favor of making well-thought-out decisions. He doesn’t want to make mistakes and strives to think things through before taking any initiative. This can make him slower, but more correct than his peers. He is concrete in his way of thinking and is not particularly interested in being abstract, philosophical or academically inclined. The donor has values and principles that he adheres to in a conservative way, while being tolerant of the perspectives of others. For example, he is keen on being proud of who he is, as life is too short to feel less worthy than other people. He also values loyalty, caring for others and travelling. The donor will likely seem difficult to persuade others, and he can be a bit stubborn in his thinking, which also makes him good at standing on principles. The donor is not one to do too many things at once and prefers focusing on one project or activity at a time. He can be overwhelmed by a schedule that’s too busy or social. The donor, like most people, is usually calm, easygoing and positive, but he can also worry from time to time, if a situation is dire or troublesome enough. He can show a temper when the situation is personally important, but he will likely rarely seem irritable to other people. Others will likely describe him as fairly confident but not one to take on tasks he doesn’t feel suited for. He is relatively dutiful but will most likely prefer to keep deadlines and live up to his responsibility in matters that he has a personal interest in. The donor is not one to be pessimistic or negative most of the time, but he has the capacity for having periods of a less cheerful mood, like most people. When he finds it important, he can focus on what could be done different or better, and in that way seek feedback when he finds a reason for it. The donor is relatively comfortable with his persona, but not so much so that he doesn’t care about the opinions of others. He will likely seek to adjust his behavior to please others when the situation bears meaning to him. The donor doesn’t seem to be particularly reflective about his inner working or his personality, and he is more interested in the situation at hand, as well as logic or reason rather than emotions. Most people will find him open and accommodating when in social settings, but he is not a particularly gregarious person and will probably be more comfortable in smaller gatherings of close friends.
He can have periods of time where he likes to influence others and take charge, but only when he feels comfortable. He doesn’t have a problem with stepping back and letting others take the reins. The donor is largely trusting of others and prefers to be honest, but he is not likely to be duped or have his trust abused more than the average person. He is neither naïve nor skeptical. The donor has a natural trust of authorities but will be critical or have confrontations if he finds it important. He can be helpful and self-sacrificing to others, but it will likely mostly be towards friends and family. He holds his parents and family in high regard. The donor has had jobs for longer periods of time internationally and plans to do so again, which makes him a bit adventurous in that area of life. He is usually modest and sympathetic towards others, but if he has performed something special, he will probably seek credit for it. He can keep structure and be orderly, but it’s not ubiquitous for his life to have everything follow a schedule or deliberate plan. He can be flexible and like most others adjust to new circumstances without too much fuss. The donor is likely not seen by others to be very ambitious, but he knows how to enjoy life. He will likely only seek to do his utmost in activities he has a special passion for. He can be disciplined like most, but not to a degree where all personal goals are met at any cost. He has a lively imagination and is good at being creative as well as daydreaming and playing out scenarios in his head. Others might wish
for him to be a little more emotionally and empathetically aware, while he doesn’t necessarily identify the need. He can be a little slower than others to identify social cues, dynamics and moods.
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