The donor has chosen to donate because he has personal experience with the joy of having children, and he wants others to have this possibility. He also has seen family members have trouble conceiving, which has inspired him to help where he can. He has discussed this choice with friends and family, who are supporting.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed on par with the average person in the screening test. He can be expected to solve complex issues and see logical connections on par with the average person.
In terms of personality, the test results indicate a person who overall has middling scores across the board. This means that he will likely not stand out in terms of behavior and attitudes compared to the average person. At the same time, it can be expected that his behavior will be very context-dependent. Like most people, he has the capacity for both sides of the behavioral spectrum in terms of the different dimensions that the personality test measures.
The donor is expected to be usually calm, collected and tends not to worry in general. However, in situations with personal importance to him, he can worry in relevant ways and foresee potential negative consequences. This could be especially salient when it comes to concerns about the donor’s own son, his future and whether he’s doing all right. The donor is comfortable in his own skin, but new or unknown situations might prompt him to self-monitor his outward appearance and attitude to better suit others. He is usually not a temperamental or impulsive person, but given the right circumstances he can show off a temper or act quickly. He will not be viewed as a negative or overly concerned person, nor a carefree and emotionally cold person.
In terms of social activity, the donor enjoys the company of others and will be good at forming new realtionships. Others will see him as an outgoing, accommodating, warm and gregarious person in general, and especially as an optimistic person. This might also prompt him to be a little bit unrealisticat times, but he will overall believe in possibilities and opportunities rather than focusing on limitations and being skeptical. Sometimes he might take charge in social situations and seek the spotlight, but often he is not brash and prefers giving room to others. The donor enjoys being active, but he doesn’t need a constantly full calendar. He does enjoy being active by doing things with a bit of a thrill, whether it be physical or psychological thrills.
The donor is fairly creative and can enjoy fantasizing and daydreaming from time to time. At the same, he doesn’t seem to have much of an aesthetic sense, and he is likely more practically oriented. Art, cultural activities and the opera, for example, are not in his interests, and he is more concerned with how something works rather than how it looks. The donor is also fairly concrete and straightforward in his thinking. He is usually not stimulated by intellectual or highly abstract conversation or perspectives that try to reflect on complex problems. Rather, he is more concerned with solving problems head on and not being too philosophical about things. The donor is more connected to his own emotions and that of others than the average person. He is curious about exploring emotional dynamics, he can feel emotions a bit more intensely than others, and he is probably considered a fair listener. The donor enjoys a varied lifestyle and can become bored if everyday life becomes too routine-oriented.
When it comes to personal values, it’s more context-dependent what he is steadfast and principled about, and where he is open-minded and explorative in his beliefs.
Despite being social and accommodating, the donor is slower than others to trust and he is selective about who he opens up to fully. Once he does, he is quite loyal and trusting, though. But initially, the donor is aware that not everyone has the best intentions, and that other people can break trust. He isalso somewhat straightforward and does not prefer to sugarcoat things or manipulate conversations. At his core, he is honest, and it can be difficult for him to be strategic. The donor is usually helpful and caring towards others, but he can also take care of his own personal needs, and he is not unconditionally self-sacrificing and altruistic. He can be sympathetic, diplomatic and someone who cares about the problems of others, but when push comes to shove, he can also challenge the status quo, take necessary conflicts, and make hard decisions. IN general, he will be considered likeable. He has a fair degree of confidence in his own abilities, but he also recognizes there are problems for which he does not have the expertise. He is very organized, planning and prefers knowing what’s going to happen, which can also make him a bit inflexible. The donor can be ambitious, dedicated and disciplined about some goals, but there are other areas in life where he has a harder time staying committed, which also lets him unwind and relax instead of being too task oriented. The donor can be detail-oriented, but in some contexts, he will trust his own gut and instinct. He is a usually responsible person, but in some cases, he might be a little laxer about deadlines, appointments and agreements with friends, depending on the context. If something is of personal importance, he will take it seriously.
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