The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others achieve parenthood. He is aware of being older than the average donor, but he now has the opportunity to donate, which was prohibited by a close relation beforehand. The donor is well-reflected on the decision and knows what it means to be a donor. He has chosen to go through with it even the decision carries a bit of anxiety with it.
In terms of intelligence, the donor is positioned above the average results of the population. He has convincing cognitive abilities can be expected to analyse complex problems quite well and is most likely a quick learner.
The personality test indicates a person who is generally calm and collected. To others, he will seem good at handling stressful situations and life periods without being too affected. There might be circumstances where he will need time to bounce back, but it will be rare. The donor is not worried that often and rarely has negative thoughts, which will make him seem quite care-free and comfortable in his own skin. Others might wish he adjusted his behaviour sometimes, but he listens to feedback when he gets it and strives to better himself. He has the capacity for frustration and temperament, but not to a high degree. It will be context-dependent when he lets his frustrations out and when he doesn’t. The donor can usually control his impulses and refrain from doing things he would later regret, but in some cases, under a great deal of pressure for example, he will have a harder time monitoring his immediate behaviour. He is less likely to perceive important risks and potential negative consequences than others, and he can tend to trivialize certain issues. At the same time, the donor is also somewhat less receptive to personal feedback or is at least not as likely as others to change his attitude or behaviour based on input from his surroundings. This is mostly when he is under pressure or is exerted, as he is quite aware of this and works to counter his natural tendencies.
The donor is likely very outgoing, gregarious, and social. He can be expected to take the spotlight in social groups and is very intent on having influence and a socially dominant attitude. He enjoys the company of others to a degree where it might also be hard for him to spend too much time alone. He has an easy time establishing new relations with others and is very active. He can be viewed as restless and intent on keeping a full schedule. When he wants to, he can be the life of the party and is good at influencing others. The donor prefers excitement over safety and is very optimistic, sometimes to an unrealistic degree. The donor’s high level of activity and outgoing behaviour can indicate that he is more intent on being heard than listening, though this is in situations where he doesn’t monitor his own behaviour. In social gatherings, the donor might end up taking up more space than he is given. Others will likely find him charming, engaging, and confident, even if he is also a bit abrasive and opinionated. He is keen on taking certain risks and stimulate himself with adrenaline in different ways to feel alive.
The donor is somewhat curious, imaginative, and creative. He has a drive to live a varied life and has no problem with circumstances changing from one day to the next. The donor is a manager and is used to a dynamic context. He has a fair sense of his own emotions and that of others, which makes him good at reading dynamics and moods. He is more practical than others and doesn’t have a massive love of aesthetics, but he understands the usefulness of things having a neat design. The donor appreciates intellectually stimulating conversations and is tolerant of different worldviews to a large degree. He can be viewed as someone who might engage in discussions more than others and is intent on letting his voice be heard. He is analytical and enjoys exploring subjects with other people.
The donor tends to believe in the good in others but is not prone to naïveté or being gullible. He is strategic, manipulative, and concerned with achieving his personal agenda. He has a knack for turning conversations to his advantage and charming or exploiting situations or people for personal gain. The donor is helpful and sympathetic to close relations and is always concerned with the well-being of his friends and family. But he is good at making unpopular decisions in the workplace when they are needed, even if it has negative consequences for others. Some might view him as cold and calculated at times, but he cares about fairness and treating others with respect. He is quick to voice disagreement if he has strong convictions on a subject, even if it costs him good relations with others. He has a strong confidence and sense of competency, he strives to do his best in everything he sets his mind to, and he achieves personal goals most of the time. The donor is disciplined, hard working and mostly structured, but he doesn’t mind being flexible to suit the solving of tasks. He is dutiful most of the time, mainly with topics he cares about personally. The donor is good at making decisions based on data and will often analyse a problem before solving it, but from time to time he will use a more intuition-based approach.
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