The donor has chosen to donate because he wants to help other people. He knows people who have had challenges with conception, and he is also a blood donor, so he finds it meaningful to help in this way. At the same time, he also sees it as a good opportunity to have his health examined. He has a kid himself and knows what it means to be a parent and to have those joys.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed within the average for his age group on the screening test. He can be expected to analyze complexity and recognize patterns on par with the average person. He will be like many others in that he learns some things pretty quickly and some things a bit slower.
In terms of personality, the donor can be considered calm, collected and good at handling stressful situations without being overcome with anxiety, negative emotions or worries. To others, he will almost seem quite composed and tend to tone down problems or concerns that others have. This can also make him more reactive than proactive to problems arising in his life. The donor is comfortable with his own persona, and he will likely be less prone to changing himself based on feedback from others. He doesn’t show much of a temper if at all, and it will take much to make him mark his boundaries in a fierce way. Others will likely see him as a very patient man, The donor has a good control of his own impulses. He can still be curious about the emotions of others and those of himself. He can be touched by emotional situations, and he can feel emotions intensely, but he will likely have a capacity for setting those aside when he needs to. The donor is expected to be good at reading a room and identifying social dynamics between people and sensing when people are burdened. Others will see the donor as a very warm and kind-hearted person with an accommodating attitude towards new relations. This is expected to make him good at connecting with many different types of people and forming friendships. At the same time, this can also make the donor seem more invested in people than he actually is sometimes, where a more formal approach would be warranted. The donor is very optimistic and will probably be seen as someone with a wide network and acquaintances. He is almost always doing something with his time. The donor is a carpenter, and he has built his own house and designed it himself with the help of friends. There is always something for him to do, and he is not likely to slow down that often. The donor can be a bit of an optimist in terms of time as well, where he thinks he can achieve more with the time he has than is actually the case. Others will see him as very excitable and cheerful, where it will sometimes be hard for him to face harsh truths with a sense of realism.
He is very aware of how other people in the room are doing, and it can affect him if someone is down. The donor has a sympathetic side, where he can tend to take on other people’s burdens and responsibilities. He believes in the good in others and wants to give second and maybe even third or fourth chances if it’s up to him and trusting others. The donor can be viewed as a bit naïve by others sometimes, but he is quick to open to others and establish close connections in that way. He is honest, modest and diplomatic in his approach and doesn’t need to assert himself or act critically if he’s not emotionally or personally invested in the issue. He might sometimes be taken advantage of in terms of his altruistic and self-sacrificing nature, which can annoy him from time to time, but he also has people in his life that have helped him a lot. To those people he wants to give back and be there for them. The donor can be creative and has a real passion for the arts, design and other cultural engagements. He can vary between wanting to have a routine and desiring variation, which is quite dependent on the situation. The donor is very organized, structured, confident and orderly. While he believes strongly in his capabilities, it might also mean that he sometimes takes on projects that he isn’t suited or prepared for initially due to overconfidence. In such situations, however, he might just work through it to compensate and learn along the way. He enjoys responsibility and has a tendency to take on more and more without saying no as much as others would. He quickly feels responsible for a project and keeps deadlines and works hard. He can be seen as a bit of a perfectionist with high standards for himself and others. He can be very critical of his own work and spend unnecessarily long adjusting it to reach his goals. He can set clear personal goals and is good at reaching them no matter what, but it might sometimes be good for him to take a step back and relax and enjoy life, which doesn’t seem to come all that naturally to him as others. He has never been stressed and seems to have a higher bar for being affected by being overworked than others.
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