The donor has chosen to donate because he has close friends where the man in the relationship is sterile. This has made the donor think about what a great help it would be for others if he donated. If he can help, he wants to. That’s his main purpose, but he wouldn’t have done it if not for the economic compensation since it’s logistically and practically time-consuming.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed within the average for his age group. He can be expected to learn and analyze complexity on par with the average person. In some areas, he will likely be a quick learner. In others, it will take longer for him to get an understanding.
In terms of personality, the donor is largely calm and comfortable with his persona. He is generally not worried and overall good at handling pressure. The donor is usually in control of his impulses, but there is a side to him where he might sometimes give in to immediate temptations. He will likely have a reasonable balance between spontaneous actions and his duties. The donor works in business development as a manager and salesman for an IT-company. The donor has a natural tendency to consider his image and how he comes across to customers, for example. The donor can manipulate his behavior to fit the people he is around to not come across as awkward or socially inappropriate. The donor can have natural worries as to whether he’s doing well enough or whether his financial situation is okay. In this way, he will seem like most others, where his concerns are very much based on the context, and he has the capacity to show confidence as well as doubts. Socially, he can be outgoing and is good at appearing open, gregarious and warm in the face of new relations. But privately, he is mostly concerned with spending time with close friends all the way back from his early school years. The donor prefers spending time with others and doesn’t care much for time alone, but he feels most at home and at ease with his tight group of friends. Others will see him as a fairly active and sociable person who is generally optimistic and positive in his demeanor. The donor can enjoy excitement and will prefer doing things that can spark adrenaline or have some stakes involved, but not to a reckless degree. He can take risks a bit more than the average person would do.
The donor is intrinsically mutable and curious in his attitudes. He has a creative and aesthetic side to him, where others will see someone who enjoys design and things looking good or waking some emotions in him. He is more interested in cultural activities like movies and TV shows, rather than the opera and museums. The donor can come across as someone who can feel emotions somewhat powerfully, and he seems generally interest-ed in the emotions of others and his own. He can read a room pretty well and will notice if other people change their mood. He seems open to exploring ideas and getting some intellectual stimulation on a regular basis. He can enjoy exploring abstract topics and having an opinion on most things or playing devil’s advocate to view dilemmas from other angles. The donor is also expected to be very tolerant and open to the worldviews of others. It can be hard for others to figure out the donor’s true values as he can see both sides of many arguments.
The donor is largely diplomatic, honest and self-sacrificing. He can set aside his own needs and wants to help others, sometimes to an unnecessary or detrimental degree. He will seem trusting and sometimes maybe a bit naïve in the eyes of others. He has a foundational belief that people have good intentions, but through his professional life, he has also learned that this is not always the case. The donor is generally sympathetic to other people’s problems and will seek to alleviate them. He has a certain sense of confidence in his abilities but will rarely take on projects he doesn’t feel completely ready for. The donor will strive to do his best and be organized, meticulous and ambitious at work, but at home, he can be laxer and more laid back. For example, at home the donor might be a bit messier, while he runs a tight ship at work. He can be dutiful, responsible and aware of living up to the expectations of others, but this is mainly in areas of life where he is passionate about what he does or has a personal interest. The donor can maintain a balance between being careful and analytical in his decision-making, and also switching to making decisions on gut feeling or instinct when the situation calls for it. Others will likely see him as a hard worker at work, and a casual person in his spare time. Among friends he can switch between taking charge and staying in the background. It’s not always that he wants to make his opinion heard, but when he feels passionate about something, he can take the initiative and charge and demand space in the social arena.
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