The donor has chosen to donate because he wants to help other people. He personally knows of others who have had trouble with conception, and he wants to be a help to others. He wants to make a difference, and he has talked to his family and his girlfriend about the decision, and they support him.
According to the intelligence screening test results, the donor performs on par with the average person in his age group. The donor can be expected to handle complexity and analyze problems fairly well and on par with the average person.
In terms of personality, the donor will likely be viewed by others as very calm, carefree and in good control of his impulses. The donor will likely seem very comfortable in his own skin, eager to participate in social engagements and likely to be seen and heard rather than staying in the background. To some, he might seem a bit domineering or like someone a bit theatrical and someone who takes up too much space. He might be better at talking than listening to others. He can enjoy time on his own and being by himself, but the test indicates a preference for being with others. Others will probably find him very patient and with a tendency to downplay problems and issues. He is not in the habit of having negative thoughts or emotions and will likely actively seek to avoid them. This can also make him more reactive than proactive when facing potential problems. He can be regarded as very optimistic, positive and driven. The donor will seek excitement where he can, but he is not an adrenaline junkie. Rather, he will want to experience things that make an impact on him. He is very fashionable and enjoys design and aesthetics on a foundational level. The donor is a model and cares deeply about things looking a certain way. He can be moved by beauty and feels strongly about these things. He seeks order and a proper design for the interior of his home as well, for example. The donor has a strong sense of competency, and he is likely very good at handling stressful periods or tribulations. He seems to approach the world with a hopeful attitude, and wants to focus more on what’s possible, than how things are not possible.
The donor is likely very good at meeting new people, where he will seem charming, engaging and approachable to others. He has a very gregarious and sociable side to him. The donor is quite diplomatic and is expected to trust others initially, unless they specifically give him reason not to. This is also the case when it comes to authorities. He wants himself and others to be happy, and he has a tendency to prioritize the feelings of others over his own. He is not likely to criticize or oppose others unless he sees a very good reason to. The donor will tend to focus on alleviating others rather than himself, and if there is a potential conflict he prefers to smooth things out immediately. His sympathy for the plight of others can also mean that he is rather soft-hearted and has trouble making harsh or callous decisions. He can also tend to become overinvolved in the burdens other people have. This will also make him a very well-liked person who people seem to depend on from time to time. He can be modest but will also seek recognition for achievements that have personal significance to him. The donor can be self-critical and hold high standards for his work and that of others. He can be a bit of a perfectionist and wants to get things done right. At the same time, he is very active and has a lot of things going on. For example, he is studying, modelling and playing football at a relatively high level. He is very concerned about doing well in all these areas. The donor has a strong sense of obligation once he commits himself to something, and he takes agreements and duty very seriously. He can retain some sense of self-discipline when it comes to projects that he is passionate about, but it is not in all regards that he can maintain a disciplined lifestyle. The donor can be analytical and good at making correct decisions, even if he is a bit slow to do so because of the need for a complete set of information before deciding. He doesn’t seem to like it when there are tensions in his relationships. He can be aware of the emotions of others but is also most of the time quite logical and rational in his approaches to problems. The donor is otherwise open and accommodating towards other viewpoints, traditions or political views. For some, it might be difficult to figure out his true opinions, as he tends to see issues from many sides. The donor enjoys intellectual stimulation and a lot of variation to spice up his life and make things more interesting to him. He is quite imaginative and can daydream from time to time. Others will likely see him as a bit of a creative person with a penchant for good design.
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