The donor has chosen to donate because of a wish to help others. He wants to do some good and spread his genes. He talked to a friend about the possibility, and they applied together, but the donor is the only one of the two that passed the testing. While he doesn’t know anyone who has had trouble conceiving, he sees it as a societal benefit to donate.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed well above the average for his age group on the intelligence screening. He can be expected to analyze complexity and learn very quickly compared to other people. He can quickly recognize patterns and see connections where others might not.
In terms of personality, the donor is, to his core, not one to worry about or be plagued by negative thoughts. He has a very active and restless mind, but it is largely positive and curious, seeking constant stimulation. He prefers to be positive and creative with his thought process, but is also one to act without too much deliberation. Others will see him as a person who performs well under stressful circumstances, and he will likely tone down problems when faced with them, which can also make him blind to certain relevant considerations from time to time. He is comfortable in his own skin and is less receptive to personal feedback than others, as he likes his own persona. The donor does have an impulsive side to him, and he can be quick-tempered and good at showing passion and marking his boundaries. He can get angry and stand up for others, especially if their loyalty is betrayed. He can also show anger towards others if his trust is manipulated, or if people are not disciplined and professional. The donor is outgoing and fairly gregarious and kind towards people he meets. This can be genuine at times and at other times something of a performance to have his personal or professional goals achieved. The donor knows how to communicate strategically and how to sell himself and his agenda. He is a salesman and works hard as a manager of other people. He is quick to take charge and take the initiative, and there are clear indicators that he enjoys having a lot going on at the same time. Others will likely see him as someone who doesn’t shy away from a challenge, and as a person with strong confidence and a sense of competency. The donor is likely to take on a lot of responsibility and to sometimes involve himself too much with projects and overwork himself, though he might not notice this until it is too late. He can get caught up and become very focused on a particular idea and will not stop until that vision is realized. At the same time, he can easily be distracted and caught up in new projects. The donor can be passionate and impatient from time to time. He prefers taking the reins and having control of a situation, but he also enjoys risks and living life to its fullest. He enjoys thrills and excitement more so than the average person. He is expected to be largely a practical man without much room for emotions or aesthetics. He prefers rational approaches and doesn’t put much stock into what others or he himself is feeling. This can make him good at staying rational and pragmatic when it comes to problem-solving, and he is not likely to give in to immediate emotions unless his temperament is triggered. But it can also make him seem a bit callous and ignorant to the social dynamics going on around him, in the eyes of others. The donor has a balanced mix between preferring variation and routines and predictability. He can enjoy some intellectual stimulation, but is also not one to philosophize about certain topics for longer periods at a time. He is largely a man of action and initiative. The donor is very principled and has a strong set of values, without being particularly interested in the world-view of others. He can be critical and outspoken in his convictions, and it will take some convincing for others to sway him in his thoughts. This makes it easy for others to know where he stands, but it can also make him stubborn, confrontational and critical of authorities. He can be trusting of and deeply loyal to those closest to him, but his trust is hard won. He can be helpful but puts himself first most of the time. He is very independent and believes strongly in personal responsibility, which can make him seem unsympathetic towards others. He has a soft spot for those treated unjustly, but the donor can also make harsh or unpopular decisions without much trouble, and some might consider him cynical, unempathetic or callous in his view of others sometimes. He has a strong sense of planning, order and structure to his behavior, despite his quick actions. The donor is very ambitious, competitive and good at achieving personal goals, no matter what they might be. He can be viewed as a bit of a perfectionist and is very critical of his own performance and that of others. He sets high standards and might benefit sometimes from taking a slower and less demanding pace.
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