The donor has chosen to donate because of two main beliefs that he wishes to uphold. First of all, he believes everyone should have the opportunity to become parents if they wish to, and secondly, the donor is concerned about the declining birth rates, which he believes to be a detriment that ought to be counteracted.
In terms of intelligence, the donor has performed above average in his age group on the screening test. He can be expected to be a quick learner who is better than most at pattern recognition and analyzing complexity.
In terms of personality, the donor is largely very friendly and amicable when meeting other people, and he will seem diplomatic, trusting and accommodating to most people. He is likely quite honest and is bad at having hidden intentions, which can also make him seem more authentic to other people. Others will likely see him as a person with a tight knit social network without many acquaintances. He is more focused on keeping close friends and spending time with them rather than being active at large social gatherings. He does enjoy sports and practices martial arts like judo and jiu jitsu. The donor is working on expanding his social network following a divorce not that long ago. He seems to want to influence the groups he is in, and the donor does appreciate having some degree of control and having a say. This can mean that he is sometimes better at taking charge and leading rather than listening. Others may sometimes see him as someone who is a bit domineering, but not to an extreme degree. The donor seems to enjoy being active and seeks some degree of excitement in his life, but he is not someone who outwardly exhibits and engages in large displays of positivity or optimism. Rather, the donor is focused on staying realistic and grounded, not taking things for granted.
The donor is also largely very calm and collected with a good, rational and pragmatic mindset capable of handling long periods of stress or high workloads. Others might see him as someone with very low fluctuation in his emotional state, which can also make some people frustrated that he doesn’t react much at all to most events. The donor doesn’t worry without serious cause to do so, and in a group he will likely be the one to tone down concerns, problems or potential negative outcomes. The donor is comfortable with who he is and doesn’t necessarily monitor or moderate himself to fit others. This can also make him less susceptible to positive personal changes based on feedback, since he is comfortable with who he is. Any changes made to his attitudes or personality would likely have to come from people convincing him to do so through logical and rational argument based on facts and objective reasoning rather than subjective opinions and impressions. The donor is largely rationally minded and very practical without much of an aesthetic sense, interest in the arts or creative spirit. He is very interested in intellectual stimulation, however, and he is likely to have an opinion on most things and a passion for discussing many perspectives and angles on dilemmas, worldviews and issues. He finds conversation about big topics very stimulating, and the donor is very keen on keeping a dialogue happening, which can also make it hard for people to know what he truly believes in or has principles about, since he’s willing to entertain many different perspectives at once.
The donor doesn’t necessarily seem to be into taking confrontations with other people, being outwardly skeptical or antagonistic unless it relates to an important personal matter or passion. The donor is likely to be viewed as modest and not one to brag about achievements or results he’s produced. He is probably seen by others as someone with an individualistic mindset, where “you shouldn’t try to fix other people’s problems or help other people before you’ve helped yourself and gotten your life in order”. In this sense, he might be viewed as uncaring or cynical to some, as he doesn’t necessarily share the burdens or plights of the less fortunate or those going through tough times, but at the same time his decision making is not adversely affected by considerations for other people, mostly. He would rather be honest with people and say what’s important and right, rather than trying to spare someone a brief period of negative emotions or reactions.
The donor is also likely to be viewed as a hard worker with a sense of responsibility and pride in the things he engages in. He wants to do a good job, is ambitious and has a very high belief in his own abilities. The donor is very structured with high standards for himself and for others, and he has a tendency to take on a lot of responsibility without realizing it. The donor wants to do well, and he has the discipline to do so. He is quite de- liberate in his decision-making, which can make him slow to act sometimes, wanting to have all the data before him. But it also makes him make many good decisions.
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