Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €770,00AnwaltID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseMeine Familie würde mich als eine sehr freundliche Person beschreiben, jemand, mit dem man gut auskommen kann. Sie würden mich als jemanden beschreiben, der sich in der Gesellschaft gut schlägt und sich auch in der eigenen Gesellschaft sehr wohl fühlt. Ich denke, sie würden auch sagen, dass ich gut darin bin, neue Dinge zu lernen.Available strawsTÜV 5 IUIHeight:188cmWeight:78Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlauHair:Dark BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:85
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €770,00LeonID ReleaseNon-ID Release
My name is Leon, and I’m a thoughtful, kind, and balanced individual who values my relationships deeply. My family means the world to me, especially my children, who bring immense joy and purpose to my life. I’m proud to be the kind of person my friends and loved ones can always rely on, offering support and care whenever needed. Helping others, particularly in their journey to parenthood, is something I’m deeply committed to, and it’s an honor to be able to make a difference.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10Height:189cmWeight:90Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:GreenHair:Light BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:104 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.650,00LifeID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I’m a lighthearted and humorous person, always ready with a sarcastic remark to make others smile. My friends and family would describe me as the type who can easily bring laughter into any room. I enjoy making people feel comfortable and valued, while also being deeply loyal and supportive. Family means everything to me, and I love spending time with the people I care about most, sharing fun moments and laughter together.
Available strawsIUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:181cmWeight:92Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlueHair:BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:106 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.815,00LockeID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseIch bin eine Person, die sich sehr um andere kümmert und etwas bewirken möchte. Ich bin ein unternehmungslustiger Mensch, der gerne mehrere Aufgaben gleichzeitig erledigt, aber ich kann manchmal auch abgelenkt werden und mich mitten in einer Aufgabe mit meinen eigenen Gedanken beschäftigen.Available strawsTÜV 20 IUIHeight:179cmWeight:73Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:Blau GrünHair:Dark BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:104
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €770,00LoeID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I’m a passionate and loving father of three, and my family means everything to me. They are my motivation and the ones I build my future with. I’m an active and determined person, always setting high standards for myself. My friends and family would describe me as caring, loyal, and honest, someone who can always be counted on to be there for those I love.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:194cmWeight:78Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlueHair:BlondCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:97 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €693,00MalthusID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseIch bin diplomatisch. Ich bin kontaktfreudig und zugänglich, aber ich habe selten Interesse daran, neue Leute kennenzulernen. Ich bin warmherzig und liebevoll und denke viel an die Menschen, die mir am nächsten stehen. Ich gebe mir 110 Prozent für das, was ich tue, und ich möchte darin der Beste sein.Available strawsTÜV 5 IUITÜV 10 IUIHeight:180cmWeight:77Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:Blau GrünHair:BlondCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:118
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €577,50EinzelgängerID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseIch kann gut zuhören, bin ruhig und fürsorglich und neige dazu, die Bedürfnisse anderer über meine eigenen zu stellen. Ich habe auch eine Siegermentalität.Available strawsTÜV 5 IUITÜV 20 IUIHeight:185cmWeight:83Skin tone:Very pale (skin is easily reddened by sun and doesn't tan)Eyes:BlauHair:BlondCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:101
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €770,00MaynardID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I’m a hard-working and social individual who values the simple joys in life, like spending time with my family and friends. They provide me with a sense of peace and support, which means the world to me. I’m studying economics and always strive to balance my logical, analytical side with my passion for helping others. Becoming a donor feels like a meaningful way to contribute to someone’s happiness, while also allowing me to focus on my studies and personal growth.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:186cmWeight:77Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:BlueHair:Dark BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:98 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €2.178,00MilanID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I am open minded and awake person. I am very interested about the spiritual life, and also about social life, about normal life, i want to learn both sides and keep perfect balance and understand all sides of life and understand people and their life styles. Their opinions, their personalities.
Available strawsIUI MOT 20Height:183cmWeight:80Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlueHair:BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:123 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.540,00PharbanID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseIch bin ein sehr fröhlicher und kontaktfreudiger Mensch. Ich würde mich selbst als extrovertiert bezeichnen, aber ich mag Partys und die Alkoholkultur in Dänemark nicht so sehr, da es dadurch oft schwierig ist, sinnvolle Gespräche miteinander zu führen. Ich bin sehr diszipliniert und achte darauf, Ordnung in meinem Leben zu halten. Meine Ausbildung und meine Karriere liegen mir sehr am Herzen. Für mich ist es wichtig, das Gefühl zu haben, dass Arbeit einen Sinn hat und nicht nur etwas, was ich tue, um einen Gehaltsscheck zu bekommen.Available strawsTÜV 5 IUITÜV 10 IUITÜV 20 IUIHeight:178cmWeight:72Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BraunHair:BlackCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:140
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.155,00PliniusID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I’m a persistent and loyal individual with a passion for learning and helping others. My family is very important to me; we support each other through thick and thin. My friends often describe me as humorous and reliable, someone who can bring joy and stability to those around me. I chose to become a donor to extend the love and support I have in my life to others, helping them create families filled with warmth and happiness.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:183cmWeight:88Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:BlueHair:Dark BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:106 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €907,50RagnerID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseFürsorglich, unterstützend, liebevoll, einfühlsam, das Leben genießend, lustig, spontan, glücklich, liebt Musik und Tanzen und ich bin ein guter Freund.Available strawsTÜV 20 IUIHeight:184cmWeight:80Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlauHair:Light BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:86
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.155,00RamonID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I am a driven and sociable individual who values loyalty, kindness, and dedication in all aspects of life. My family is my greatest source of strength—they provide me with love, support, and inspiration every day. My friends and family describe me as someone reliable and creative, who brings humor and positivity into every interaction. For me, relationships are about creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of belonging that makes life truly meaningful.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:169cmWeight:73Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:BlueHair:Light BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:98 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €1.155,00RamundID ReleaseNon-ID Release
I’m a curious and welcoming person who values happiness and enjoys exploring the world. My family is incredibly important to me, providing constant support and joy. My friends describe me as optimistic, friendly, and always ready to help. I chose to become a donor to help others experience the joy of family, motivated by a desire to make a positive impact in their lives.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:178cmWeight:82Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:GreenHair:BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:108 -
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €577,50RicardoID ReleaseNon-ID ReleaseZu meinen persönlichen Eigenschaften würde ich sagen: Mein schwarzer Humor und ich liebe es zu lachen – ich bin ein offener und freundlicher Mensch, der aufrichtig das Beste für alle will und keine bösen Absichten oder Hintergedanken hegt. Ich würde mich in dem Sinne als introvertiert bezeichnen, dass ich meine Energie dadurch auflade, dass ich alleine bin, aber gleichzeitig war ich immer gut in sozialen Situationen und bin als Person nicht introvertiert. Ich wurde in der Grund-, Sekundar- und Oberschule zum „Besten Kumpel“ gewählt und fand es daher immer einfach, mich „anzupassen“.Available strawsTÜV 5 IUITÜV 20 IUIHeight:188cmWeight:80Skin tone:Pale (skin is easily reddened by sun but tans slightly)Eyes:BlauHair:Dark BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:110
Log in or create free account to access pictures and full donor profilesNew DonorAuf LagerNicht vorrätigQuota exceededStraws from €770,00RoxyID ReleaseNon-ID Release
My name is Roxy, and I consider myself a calm, caring, and social person. My family and friends mean the world to me, and I believe in having a few close relationships that I can trust deeply. I’m proud of being a good listener and always there to help those I care about. Family is incredibly important to me, especially my son, who brings me immense joy. My loved ones would describe me as reliable, easygoing, and someone who spreads positive energy.
Available strawsIVF MOT 5IUI MOT 10IUI MOT 20Height:190cmWeight:82Skin tone:Medium (skin tans slightly or browns)Eyes:BlueHair:BrownCriminal Record:No Criminal RecordIQ:93